
October 29, 2016

Poison-Based Agriculture Can’t Endure Capitalism Where They Don’t Control It


Dannon says it will expand its purchase of dairy products from suppliers who use non-GM feed. One of the most crucial campaigns of the Food Sovereignty movement for the near future is to expand the economic space for non-GM animal feed. Therefore such programs on the part of food manufacturers are helpful, and this is obviously a promising line of action for campaigners, to pressure and encourage manufacturers to help themselves by breaking free of Monsanto’s stranglehold. Along with retailers, manufacturers are more directly affected by citizen and consumer pressure than the agribusiness sector. Everyone, including the food manufacturers, knows that GMOs benefit literally no one but Monsanto and the biotech sector. They do nothing but impose a massive tax and vast harms on everyone else and society as a whole.
Monsanto is orchestrating a campaign of pressure and propaganda. Its captive industrial “farm” groups led by the so-called “US Farmers and Ranchers Alliance”, and including industrial lobby groups for non-food commodity corn, soy, and sugar beets, sent a letter to Dannon trying to intimidate it into reversing its policy. None of these groups has anything to do with farming, rather they are front groups orchestrating propaganda, lobbying, and pressure on farmers to comply with corporate directives. Ironically the letter lays out clearly what these lackeys fear and the rest of the world wants, that such manufacturer programs will lead to a “tipping point” away from GM cultivation and toward non-GM conventional and organic. The usual bottom-feeders in the corporate media, such as the article included in the link above, are boosting the letter. As always, the hacks have literally nothing but the most tawdry, shallow, thousand-times-disproven lies.
This incident gives insight into three things.
1. It shows in action the Poisonism-dominated propaganda structure including how the USDA imposes a tax on all producers and consumers of meat and dairy products, the revenue from which is then placed at the disposal of the biggest agribusiness corporations to run propaganda campaigns of their own design. This mandatory “checkoff” program is proof that the USDA is nothing but the thug and lackey of Monsanto, Cargill, ADM and other giant commodity sellers.
2. It once against demonstrates Monsanto’s basic Mafia attitude and its preference for gangster tactics. A buyer is having doubts about your product and exploring competing options? The answer of course isn’t to improve your own product, but to try to strong-arm him into continuing to buy from you. This gangsterism has always been Monsanto’s preferred course of action, although to be fair we must admit that since GMOs have zero redeeming qualities and are nothing but a far more expensive, much lower quality product, the only way it’s been possible for the corporate state to force into being an artificial market for them is through massive corporate welfare, media campaigns based on lies, and thuggery. As we see with the checkoff program and all its other Big Ag subsidies, the USDA understands this perfectly well.
3. As Monsanto’s industry flunkeys show their hostility toward a capitalist corporation exploring the possibilities of the market, we see a typical example and proof of what a lie it is that capitalism is “rational” and is about nothing but dispassionately responding to market signals. If Dannon’s move is bad business, the customers won’t respond, by definition. But if the customers respond, then by definition it’s good business. Either way, what conceivable capitalist objection could any of these whiners have?
No, it’s obvious that they object because of their irrational ideological/religious commitment to the Monsanto GMO campaign as such. Of course Monsanto pays the industry front groups, but the fact that media and pundits who are not being paid directly* join the campaign is proof that here we are not discussing a market phenomenon, but a cult of religious zealots who are trying to influence the business decisions of market actors. We saw the same thing with Chipotle.
It should be needless to say that big corporations like Dannon and Chipotle don’t do the things they do out of any kind of altruism (though it’s true that many of the “anti-GMO” people also seem confused about this, as put most starkly on display in their euphoria over the Campbell’s/Lynas/Cornell marketing ploy). Yet the Monsanto priesthood, as usual having no rational arguments or evidence available, has had to settle for ridiculing such alleged idealism. In reality the truth is the exact opposite. Dannon etc. are typical capitalist actors seeking profit in the textbook way, while the pro-GMO activists comprise a deranged fundamentalist cult which likes capitalism only in its pro-poison form but would become full-blown communists if this was necessary in order to preserve and enforce the worthless and destructive technologies which are the focus of their cult idolatry. The USDA/Monsanto propaganda tax is a perfect example of this kind of neo-communist policy. Obviously anyone who really believes in capitalism, if any such people exist, would join with all the other opponents of this program in order to abolish it. Same for GMOs as such, and any similar pure artifice of the corporate state for which no natural market exists.
*Of course some alleged “journalists” like Tamar Haspel, Amy Harmon, and Keith Kloor are actually paid liars only posing as journalists. The editors of the New York Times, Washington Post, Slate, Discover, Nature, and other leading corporate media outlets willfully collaborate in this fraud upon the American people. These are all on exactly the same moral and legal level as Julius Streicher, condemned at Nuremburg for collaborating in crimes against humanity through his propaganda activities.

October 27, 2016

The Community Food Sector Must Fight to Survive and Win (Also Some GMO Comments)


Have to be hid in attics from Big Ag.

Have to be hid from Big Ag in attics.

1. The case of Mark Baker may seem to be extreme, but it’s also typical of the attitude of corporate agriculture’s servant bureaucracies toward the rising Community Food sector, the most clear and present danger to the continued domination of poison-based agriculture and corporate “food”. What Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources is trying to do to heritage pig farmer Baker is typical of many other cases of federal* and state thugs attempting, legally and illegally, to destroy our movement. In their minds the bureaucrats, from the lowest state thug to the federal agriculture secretary himself, are completely eradicating Community Food by whatever means necessary. In practice they’ll do so by whatever means are possible.
This means whatever’s politically possible. The measure of that will be how intrepidly growers and citizens of food (that ought to be all Americans, though so far it’s still far too few) affirmatively organize ourselves to take back the land and grow real crops and distribute real food, and how fiercely we fight back against the corporate state’s attempt to destroy all we’re building.
*For example the FDA, which bizarrely is much beloved among “anti-GMO” people and among the NGOs which usually claim to support Community Food but which turned around and abetted Monsanto’s “Food Safety Modernization Act.” (FSMA).
2. From the outset of the pro-marijuana movement there were many who strongly insisted on the word and concept “decriminalization” rather than “legalization”. In addition to the philosophical implications of the difference, we see the very practical, big difference between legalization under corporate control only vs. true decriminalization, i.e. control in the hands of the people.
This distinction can be applied very widely. For example, GMOs don’t naturally exist nor is it a simple, inexpensive thing to create them. Rather they had to be very aggressively legalized through corporate welfare, radical changes in patent law, changes in regulatory law and disregard of existing law by regulators. They could easily be abolished simply by removing the Rube Goldberg legalization structure they depend upon. No corporate welfare, no GMOs. No patents, no GMOs. In that case a legal ban would be redundant, although a legal ban would simply de-legalize something that was a purely fabricated, “legalized” government confection in the first place. This also shoots down the dumbest objection to labeling, that it’s “government interference”. No, the government massively interferes by artificially building the astronomically expensive structure that sustains GMOs in the first place. Think of it as a trillion dollar greenhouse the taxpayers pay for. Is the hothouse flower being grown within a natural creation of a “free market”?
Here I’m applying to GMOs an analysis I first developed for everything Wall Street does. (I wrote about it in dozens of posts, go check ’em out. Like this one.) Un-legalize the legalized gambling the big banks do, and Wall Street will cease to exist. Finis. The same goes for much of the rest of Mammon’s evils.
3. With this conventionally bred “orange maize” we once again have proof of one of the iron laws of GMOs, proven anew every time: Where it comes to any GMO touted for its alleged “product quality” (nutrition, taste, storability, etc.) or “agronomic trait” (drought resistance, etc.), there already exists a better, higher quality, safer, less expensive non-GM version. There are no exceptions. (And then the GM version is more often than not a hoax anyway. “Golden rice” in particular is one of the most flamboyant media hoaxes in modern memory.)
The piece I linked demonstrates the pitfall of wanting to imitate the corporate hype surrounding techno-miracles, merely counterpoising “alternative” miracles which are otherwise just as unanchored, uncontexted, and imply that silver bullet solutions are possible. (The piece and GMWatch’s commentary keeps calling such varieties “enriched” and “fortified”. If they inherently contain the nutrient out of conventional breeding they’re neither.)
It’s constructive to talk about these non-GM anodynes only within the context of stressing that all problems of diet and hunger are caused completely by poison-based commodity agriculture itself and can be solved only by restoring community food production and distribution, as is ecologically and economically natural. But then the orange maize is a product of the corporate state’s CGIAR “HarvestPlus” project and therefore is designed to be perceived only as an anodyne within the context of continued globalization.
As we see with these examples, this kind of project can bring results which the people can then put to good use, and indeed the piece says the Zambian government claims it will prevent export commodity production of the orange maize but instead reserve it for national food production. That’s an excellent idea, and a motivated, well-organized, vigilant people can maintain control of such agronomic research and development and see to it that these products truly are advances. But a prerequisite is to understand clearly that where it comes to a putative public-private partnership like this, the developers themselves regard everything we’re talking about here as a transitional stage and fringe benefit at best, and more likely a propaganda front. The real goal, as with every other globalization project, no matter how ostensibly “public” and “national” in its form, and no matter what the PR presentation, is patent-based, profiteering commodity production. Again, golden rice provides the original template, with Syngenta claiming it would forego its patent prerogatives (but with lots of fine print the newspapers didn’t mention), while at the same time the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the “public” front of the Syngenta/Gates campaign and actual developer of the pseudo-rice, has explicitly reserved the right to take out patents of its own. This too is just another permutation of the corporation retaining all control and freedom of action.
See here for the same dynamic in the case of the African project to develop “drought-resistant maize”, another Syngenta/Gates campaign.
The takeaway: Don’t trust anything the corporate-controlled system does, because it’s not meant for us, and by us I mean humanity. The projects of the corporate system, no matter what the nominal form of the organization leading the project or performing the action, are corporate projects being done under corporate control toward corporate goals. No self-respecting big shareholder would ever settle for less in any of these cases.
The takeaway: As always, we the people need our own organizations, our own projects, our own actions, our own movement.

October 26, 2016

False Election By Demonic Corporate Power, True Election By Grace and Human Power


In whatever manifestation, the movement is the vine.

In whatever manifestation, the movement is the vine.

And yet, are we too not in the position of primal humanity trying to decipher and influence the uncanny wilderness? Facing the malign immensity of totalitarian corporate domination, we face either demonic evil or the most inhuman robotic callousness. Facing the corporate global war, the extreme corporate campaigns of violence, rapine, plunder, and environmental destruction, the corporate eugenic technologies of biological, chemical, and psychological warfare against all of humanity, all of life itself, facing this even secularists seem to regard these corporations with religious awe, as demons, and have absolutely no rational clue about what to do.
That’s why even those who want to oppose these abominations have no ideas at all nor do they seem even to be looking for new ideas. They only sit inert and stare in awe. All they can think to do is regurgitate long-failed ideological formulas which stopped having even the most superficial relation to reality decades ago at the latest. Most of all they continue performing the electoral rite, because this still resonates with some childhood intimation. By now it’s practically the Enlightenment equivalent of race memory. People garble meaningless mantras about voting and government which have slipped all the old moorings and float without rational plan or purpose as dead ships with ghost crews.
Nothing has ever been more clear than that anyone who still has belief in the false election does so with neither a plan nor a clue.
The one and only true election is the election by which the people demonstrate their grace through their faith-in-action. In secular political philosophy this is called positive freedom, in Christianity it’s called being born again to the Holy Spirit and living this Spirit. Either way it’s the election by grace, and the only way forward to an affirmative revolution which has now become an absolute historical, ecological, spiritual Necessity.

October 25, 2016

The Reason: The Police State, Drug War, and Prison Complex


According to the tenets of the cult of electoralism, the voters enforce their will at each election and get the policy they voted for. Therefore, as we’ve previously discussed, the overwhelming majority of American voters are pro-war, want to poison their own children’s food and water and escalate the control of all agriculture and food by agribusiness, want to continue and escalate the finance sector’s domination of the economy and politics, want to push the climate crisis to its worst possible extremes, and want a health care system which delivers awful care at horrendous prices as long as this is profitable for the health insurance companies. Their votes for, just to name a few of the most recent, Bush, Clinton, Dole, Bush, Gore, Kerry, Obama, McCain, Romney, Trump, Clinton, consistently prove they want all these, since a vote for any of these criminals is a vote for all these crimes. The same would be true for any alleged “dissident” or “alternative” within the Corporate One-Party.
Today we’ll add four more which go together.
1. If everyone who claimed to oppose police brutality and militarization and the surveillance state would refuse to vote for any police totalitarian, America would not be threatened with such an anti-American, anti-freedom internal enemy.
The reason the US government has enshrined police militarization, the surveillance state, and systematic racist and classist brutality is not because of those who are openly fascist. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to oppose police totalitarianism and systemic brutality are frauds who really support these. Their vote proves it.
2. If everyone who claimed to oppose the Drug War would refuse to vote for any Drug Warrior, America would abolish this idiotic, irrational, immoral campaign which worsens all the phenomena of the police and prison state and benefits no one but corporations and thug bureaucracies.
The reason the US government continues to wage this war of aggression against the people and the environment is not because of those who are openly bigoted against a few arbitrarily selected “illegal” drugs (of course almost all of these bigots get loaded on various kinds of legal dope, and many on the illegal as well). It’s primarily because almost all who claim to oppose the Drug War are frauds who really support it. Their vote proves it.
3. If everyone who claimed to oppose the prison-industrial complex and privatization of prisons would refuse to vote for anyone with a gutter jailor mentality, America wouldn’t have by far the most imprisoned population in human history, a pure totalitarian metric and an absolute obscenity against any notion of human freedom.
The reason the US government continues this obscene imprisonment offensive and escalates the enshrinement of prison and the corporate enslavement of prisoners as a profit-generating system isn’t because of those who openly worship the prison system and shriek “Lock ’em up!” the second they hear of a jaywalker. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to find the prison system inhumane, cruel and unusual, and who deplore the privatization of the system, are really frauds who support all this and want it to continue. Their vote proves it.
4. If everyone who claimed to oppose the accelerating destruction of civil liberties would refuse to vote for anyone who holds these liberties in contempt, America would be strongly committed to cherishing, protecting, and exercising these liberties.
The reason the US government continues to destroy all civil liberties isn’t because of those who openly despise them. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to value civil liberties, including almost all who pose as civil liberties activists, are really frauds happy to see these wiped out. Their vote proves it.
Police militarization, police surveillance, police brutality, police racism, the Drug War, the pandemic of imprisonment, the general assault on civil liberties, all these being both government and corporate assaults, the corporate state being a monolith: These all go together, and every system politician is an aggressor against the people in all these ways. The politicians of the Corporate One-Party fear, loathe, and despise human freedom with every fiber of their being. Their actions prove it. And in turn the action of voting for any such totalitarian proves that the voter is a supporter of this totalitarianism.
And these are all of one piece with war, environmental and agricultural assault and destruction, climate change, Wall Street’s intentional destruction of the economy and stealing of literally trillions of dollars from the people, the captivity of the health care system by the insurance racket. The corporate system is dedicated to total corporate domination and the general destruction of the entire human endeavor of society and civilization, in order to debase these to the status of nothing but a predation range for corporate gangsters.
The Corporate One-Party in both its “Democrat” and “Republican” flavors is absolutely, unequivocally, uncompromisingly committed to this vision of humanity and the earth as nothing but a resource mine and waste dump. There is no shade of gray here, no spectrum of nuance, no trade-off to ponder. All that is evil lines up completely on one side, the side of elite institutions including the single political party they field and the fraudulent elections they put on.
While this fact in itself doesn’t prove what is good, it does prove that there is no good to be found in this political system, nothing to redeem, nothing to reform, even in principle. It proves that it’s impossible to take part in these sham elections other than as an enthusiastic agent of evil, as the premise of the electoral cult and this series of posts would have it, or as a cheering-for-evil but powerless extra, which is the reality.

October 24, 2016

The True Power of Evolution vs. the False “Omnipotence” of Hubris


1. The Pope’s letter against corporate industrial agriculture on World Food Day includes his denunciation of those who “believe they are omnipotent, or able to ignore the cycles of the seasons and to improperly modify the various animal and plant species, leading to the loss of variety that, if it exists in nature, has and must have its role.”
This is a good brief description of the evolution denialism of the GM cultists, how one of their core cult faiths is that engineers can lift themselves out of the framework of natural evolution, leap over all its processes and safeguards, and superimpose their own anti-evolved, non-contexted product over the entire globe in minimal time, without the results being disastrous.
We see the fundamental affinity of the two classical types of evolution denier, religion-based creationists and scientism-based creationists. Both concur that nature is chaotic and ineffective left to itself, and that a god is needed to “create” and guide it. The only difference is whether one believes this creator god preceded and designed nature itself, or whether this god is supposed to come along later, via technology, to re-“create” nature and give “intelligent design” to the preceding alleged chaos.
Both types are equally unscientific and anti-scientific. Of course the technocratic type has vastly more power and is doing infinitely more damage.
2. The letter refers to how “genetic selection of a quality of plant may produce impressive results in terms of yield”. This is true of conventional breeding but should not be misunderstood as true of genetic engineering, which has not and cannot increase yield. In truth all industrial yield increases have come from conventional breeding and the profuse flow of fossil fuels. And yet acre for acre agroecology outproduces industrial agriculture even now in terms of calories and nutrition, i.e. in terms of producing food for human beings. Only by commodity metrics is corporate industrial production greater.
That’s only for today, while the cheap oil is still flowing. The moment that fails, industrial agriculture will collapse.
3. The letter includes the necessary call to action. “A mere evaluation is not sufficient”, but “it is necessary to act politically, and therefore to make the necessary decisions, to discourage or promote certain behaviours and lifestyles, for the sake of the new generations and those to come. Only in this way can we preserve the planet.” And this political organization and action cannot come first or last through established institutions, but by “those who are engaged in work…those who are in direct contact” with the Earth. It means, first and last, we the people, building the New City of the Ecotrinity in cooperation with God.
Thus we shall undergo the true natural evolution in political organization as well, overcoming the hubris and “omnipotence” of the failed conventional political ideas and forms.

October 23, 2016

A Political Party Can Arise Only From A Movement


What does the discriminating voter look for in a political party these days, where it comes to candidates for central government offices?
The Greens are a commonly touted alleged alternative, but if by some miracle their candidate were elected, what do you think she would do?
As with Bernie Sanders, the Greens’ website is no help, expressing lots of pleasant-sounding boilerplate but nothing clear. (Along with several instances of pandering to mainstream corporate lies.) While it’s true that real dissidents shouldn’t let themselves be drawn into providing too many specifics of what they want to do since it’s in the nature of radical change that you have to improvise most of the details, you do need to be stark and unequivocal about what the end results will be. “As president I’ll tear up the TPP, NAFTA, and every globalization pact in between” is the word of a real anti-system candidate. A vaguely expressed opinion that the TPP might not be such a good idea doesn’t cut it. (That’s also all I found at the Sanders website when I looked earlier this year.)
(I’m aware that the vast majority of Stein supporters are supporters only out of a vague tribal feeling and that in spending ten minutes at the website I’ve already done far more than the vast majority of her voters will ever do. I used to be astonished at how rare it was to find a supporter of Obama or anyone you care to name who had even the slightest idea what their Leader actually does or has done or specifically promises to do. Elizabeth Warren is a perfect example, a pure projection fantasy. We’ve seen that across the board this year with Sanders, the Greens, and of course Clinton.)
In Stein’s case, for example where it comes to the pesticide/GMO complex she seems vague and tentative, doesn’t know much about it, ergo doesn’t consider it very important. She thinks there may be some problems and that America needs “mandatory labeling” and more study. Needless to say the “anti-GMO” crowd considers her a real anti-poison leader. (Of course in 2008 Obama also promised labeling, one of the few things he actually lied about.)
Does that sound like the kind of revolutionary who would appoint an anti-corporate attack dog as Agriculture Secretary, who would eviscerate Big Ag subsidies, impose a halt on GMO registrations and field trials, fire all the Big Ag propagandists and lackeys? And when as a result of this a thousand lawsuits are filed, would her administration actually stand on the law, and when this doesn’t work in the corrupt courts, stonewall and obstruct and smash up the machinery and defy? And would she appoint another attack dog at the FDA who would suspend its prior approvals and illegal GRAS designations and begin enforcing existing law (for all these things you don’t even need anything new to take action within the bounds of legality, you just need actually to apply the existing law; the same is true in many, many other contexts) on regulating GE products and suffused pesticides as the food additives they are, which would immediately halt all sales of any product containing any such additive?
Because for those who haven’t gotten the news, that’s what’s necessary. It’s necessary in every sector: I just gave one example, but we can apply the same across all executive bureaucracies. (Of course I’m sticking with things the executive can do unilaterally, without having to “work with Congress”. But does anyone seriously think Jill Stein would have any other attitude than great angst over “how am I going to work with Congress??”, however impossible that would be if she really wanted to accomplish any part of a radical program? A progressive of course assumes you have to, no matter how impossible. And therefore, even assuming Stein is sincere in the first place, the caving in and selling out would begin right from the transition period. We saw what happened with the Greens in Germany once their establishment was given a share of power.)
Do we see any alleged alternative party which would do this? Or do we see only a party wanting a Democrat do-over, but honest and for true this time? In other words, the exact same scam just starting over with a new name.
My conclusion is that electoralism is a fundamentalist cult whose devotees worship elections and the vote as such. They care zero for results. Results, for them, have nothing to do with reality, only with fantasy.
But America needs a movement which exists only of reality, by reality, and for reality. Only such a movement could ever possibly be of the people, by the people, and for the people. And only a political party which sprouts from such a movement can live up to such an aspiration and attain such a goal. I didn’t write this piece just to rag on Green supporters, but to insist on the fact that there is no way forward under conventional electoralism. By now belief in electoralism is a disease. It’s a delusion to believe in the efficacy of anything but building a new extra-legal movement starting completely outside the system. It’s hard work, with much blood, toil, tears, and sweat, and little in the way of instant gratification. But it has to be done.
As for a political party of true protest, opposition, and regime change, such a party can never be cobbled together on the fly, or out of the hurt feelings and earnest sentiments of idealists, or built on an individual’s ego trip. It can grow only out of the soil of the true spiritual, cultural, political movement. But as any grower worthy of the name can tell you, building soil takes work and time.
I write this so people who aren’t full-blown cult members might begin to comprehend ideas that seem to be literally inconceivable for most Americans so far.

October 22, 2016

Why Would One Have Anything To Do With the Kangaroo Election?

Filed under: Dance of Death, Reformism Can't Work — Tags: — Russ @ 3:57 pm


Good thing for the voters. They're all exhibiting diminished capacity. If only their disruptions were more immediate/proximate and less global and all-pervasive.

Good thing for the voters. They’re all exhibiting diminished capacity. If only their disruptions were more immediate/proximate and less global and all-pervasive.

For the most part I’ve been able to avoid the kangaroo election’s hype machine. I hear it mostly as jabbering in the distance. But it is peculiar stumbling upon it in the communications of people I know personally who I wish would know better than this.
There’s only two explanations which fit the evidence to explain why people are willing to have anything to do with this filth. Either they are fundamentalists of the cult of electoralism as such and feel that voting is literally sacred. In that case they’re like someone who hates the pastor and everything the church is doing but feels they must remain a member of that church nevertheless. (Or they claim to hate what the pastor is doing but inexplicably like him in spite of that.)
Or, they’re like sports fans who cry and moan as their team loses and think the coach needs to be sacked but can’t stop themselves from watching and agonizing over the game nevertheless. (Or they pick a team, evidently at random for all it has to do with their lives and alleged principles, and then they cheer if their team wins.)
In either case, cultism or tribal fandom, it has zero to do with politics, and zero to do with any kind of result whatsoever. It has zero to do with reality, only with fantasy.

October 21, 2016

From Superstition to Superstition, Fatalism to Fatalism


1. Primeval humanity faced the uncanny wilderness. People had to forage and hunt. They were active. They had to live in a constant, complete communion with the world. They probably never “thought about” this. Theirs was the life of supreme faith-in-action.
2. Humans developed agriculture. Their empirical practice was rudimentary and their intellectual knowledge meager. They became passive, fatalistic. They had to envision and appease the rain gods, the earth gods. They were superstitious.
3. Gradually farmers learned the crafting of the seeds and soil. Once again they were active. Their empirical practice became complex. Although they lacked scientific knowledge, their empirical practice was sufficient. They had resumed faith-in-action.
4. In the modern era (modern means the ahistorical era of the fossil fuel drawdown) there have been two contrasting developments.
4A. Farmers submitted to the complete domination of corporations and big centralized government. This is a return to total passivity, fatalism, superstition, idolatry. Farmers now worship the corporate demon to deliver the magical seed, the magical potions and powders to invigorate the soil and drive away the pest, the temples and founts of the magical irrigation, the fabulous metal monsters and the mystical fluids that fuel them, most of all the magic spell called credit and subsidy which causes all these things to exist in the first place, the failure of the spell causing them all to disappear in a puff of dry dusty wind.
All depends on the superstitious ritual with entrails called money to propitiate the demon. The demon will excommunicate those who profane the ritual with insufficient faith measured in money, and will smite with fire and brimstone any who attempt to work directly with the Earth without the certification of the demon priesthood. The Book of Revelation calls this demon’s certificate the mark of the beast. (13.17)
They make a sacrament of poison as the core of the demonic summoning and propitiation.
The corporate demons’ propagandist uses the term “science” for these cult rituals, and the passive, benighted cult worshippers endlessly and brainlessly chant this mantra. And the vast masses squat inert, minds emptied and mouths open, passively waiting to be “fed” in obedience to the propagandist’s incessantly amplified slogan, “Feed the World”.
Thus most of Western humanity, and many of the South as well, have returned full circle to the deepest darkness of passivity, fatalism, superstition, idolatry. They sit spellbound and in awe of the great mystery of the colossus upon whose whim their lives hang.
4B. And in the same time we truly have learned the science of the seed, the soil, the ecology in which they’re nestled and of which they and we are inextricable threads. Agroecology is a fully developed and demonstrated science and set of practices, ready now for full global deployment, the most fully scientific of all sciences according to the self-measure of science itself.
5. Thus whenever we will we may return to self-determined action, the highest synthesis of faith-in-action with true knowledge. The life of agroecology, the community of Food Sovereignty.
But we must purge the corporate demons and their summoners, their Poisoner priesthood, once and for all.

October 19, 2016

Black Horse Chronicle, October 19th. The Mortal Sin Against Food


1. “Our Father, who art in heaven, give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6.11) “I have fed you with milk.” (1 Corinthians 3.2)
2. Monsanto’s BGH, bovine growth hormone, has always been one of the purest of corporate welfare conveyances. Even most pro-GMO activists, including the company’s own ex-CEO Richard Mahoney, admit that BGH is a purely worthless and destructive product with zero redeeming social value. By now only Elanco (who bought the BGH drug Posilac from Monsanto) and the USDA still worship at the altar of BGH.
3. This typical commodity goes along with CAFO antibiotics and GM-based CAFO feed. All of it is for excess production to be bought or insured by the USDA and then physically dumped, often right into the CAFO toxic waste lagoons. This is Satanic Mammon at its purest and most evil. Destroying food is both a mortal sin and a crime against humanity. This is the quintessence of US government policy, the quintessence of Babylon.
4. As I’ve often had occasion to say, if they were to genetically engineer a crop to spontaneously combust in the fields prior to harvest, this would be less wasteful than much of corporate agriculture.
5. Everywhere today we see the Babylonian captivity of the land. Agriculture is in the clutches of Mammon, commodity, the corporate person-demons, the rider of the black horse and wielder of the hellish brand of the mark of the beast which is necessary to buy and sell. (Revelation 13)
6. “For I was hungry, and you gave me food…Then shall the righteous answer, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and fed you? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.
“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and you gave me no food: Then shall they also answer him saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry and not feed you? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” (Matthew 25.35-46)
And how much more severe must the judgement be upon those who weren’t content merely not to feed the least, but who actively destroyed the food and the soil?
7. Imagine if all the land were liberated to produce food for human beings.

The Reason: Health Insurance Reform


We come to what is, for me, the most pure, emblematic example of the depravity of liberals and the fact that voters are liars. Without further ado…
If everyone who claimed to want a health care system that provides much better and less expensive care were to refuse to vote for anyone who supports the private health insurance sector, a purely wasteful and destructive evil, America would have single payer.
The reason the US government instead bailed out the health insurance racket and now imposes a poll tax on its behalf while continuing to preside over an ever-worsening, ever more expensive system, is not because of those who openly support the insurance sector. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to want a better health care system are frauds who really oppose this. Their vote proves it.
Indeed, it was during the controversy over the Obama/Heritage Foundation insurance bailout that some senator uttered one of the most perfect and true lines ever, which ever since I’ve used constantly to describe crooks in all sorts of contexts: “The reason I can’t support single payer is because people like me aren’t supporting single payer.”
“People like me”, that is, those who oppose single payer and any kind of better health system because they exalt the health insurance racket. Like anyone who supported the health racket bailout.
See here for all my posts on this way back when.
Meanwhile those who voted for the health racket bailout also vote for war, corporate agriculture, Wall Street, and to escalate the climate crisis.
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