
October 17, 2016

The Reason: The Climate Crisis


Along with war, the climate crisis gives perhaps the best example of how, according to the tenets of the electoral faith, the voters vote for exactly what they want, which contradicts what they fraudulently claim to want.
To state the fact clearly: There is one and only one way to avert the worst consequences of climate change: Greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stop destroying carbon sinks, rebuild carbon sinks.
Currently it’s not possible to vote for a party which wants to do this, so it follows it’s not possible to vote in any way but for worsening climate change.
It is possible to build an anti-corporate movement which would do this, and stemming from that movement a political party which given the power would do this. But that requires hard work and the suspension of demands for instant gratification and celebrity Fuhrerprinzip.
But as we’ve always seen, no one wants to do movement-building work and the voters want nothing other than the instant gratification of exalting a Leader. They refuse even to try to comprehend any other idea. That’s why they’re the faithful of the electoral cult in the first place, the political participation equivalent of McDonald’s.
And thus: If everyone who claimed to care about the climate crisis would refuse to vote for anyone who promises broadly to continue the high-emission, sink-destroying system, America would transform itself to a low-emission economy (which would also accomplish a general economic liberation and broadly spread prosperity and health).
The reason the US government propagates nothing but policies that increase emissions and continue to destroy sinks is not because of de jure climate change deniers. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to care about climate change are frauds who really want to make it worse. Their vote proves it.
(This vote being part of a general kind of climate change denialism which, for example, thinks driving a fracking car or mountaintop-removal mining car is “doing something about climate change”. No, that’s contributing to it, and adding more hypocrisy to the brew while you’re at it. The problem, as everyone knows perfectly well, is the personal car as such. Since no one wants to give up the car, there exists no political party of giving up the car, and therefore no political party which isn’t an aggressor of climate change.)
If you vote for continuing this level of emissions and continuing to destroy carbon sinks, you have no right to complain about climate change.
Or to put it more simply, if you vote for the Corporate One-Party you have no right to complain about climate change. Same as for war, corporate agriculture, and Wall Street.
To repeat, in reality voters in the corporate neoliberal pseudo-democracy don’t really have this power. (And to get a different system you need to do movement-building work from outside that system, not keep voting within it. This should be obvious to any sentient being, yet in today’s “politics” it might as well be the most unfathomable mystery of the universe.) But the religion of electoralism, on full imbecile display at such noxious times as these, claims that voters have 100% of the power. So I’m explaining them to themselves according to their own measure. According to their own faith, they’re nothing but despicable liars where it comes to everything they ever claim to care about. Their vote proves it, always.


  1. […] who voted for the health racket bailout also vote for war, corporate agriculture, Wall Street, and to escalate the climate crisis. . . . […]

    Pingback by The Reason: Health Insurance Reform | Volatility — October 19, 2016 @ 4:34 am

  2. […] to continue and escalate the finance sector’s domination of the economy and politics, want to push the climate crisis to its worst possible extremes, and want a health care system which delivers awful care at horrendous prices as long as this is […]

    Pingback by The Reason: The Police State, Drug War, and Prison Complex | Volatility — October 25, 2016 @ 3:44 am

  3. […] fight, which basically means circulating memes and clicking on the “Angry” button, really supports Big Oil and voted for it this last circus as they’ve voted for it every previous circus. After all, progressive opinions are fine to […]

    Pingback by Whose Pipeline | Volatility — November 13, 2016 @ 8:39 am

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