
November 29, 2018

“Green New Deal”, Same as the Old Deal


The Greens are right to point out to the history-impaired Dembots who suddenly have discovered the notion of a “Green New Deal” that the Green Party was touting it earlier. Of course it’s not a new idea at all, on the contrary it’s a hoary old theme. I think I first heard of it from Tom Friedman of all people, well over ten years ago, and I’m sure it wasn’t new then.
The Greens also are right that their public-oriented version is sound in a way that the fake “market”-oriented Democrat version is not.
But I don’t care who was there with this idea before whom, nor do I care which version is more superficially socialist. What’s more important is that the idea itself is a scam; that’s why the Democrat Party can embrace it, and why it so instinctively appeals to Dembots, and also to constructive critic, loyal opposition types like the Greens. It perpetuates the same anti-ecological onslaught under the fraudulent guise of ending this onslaught. As part of the general assault of the productionist cancer (“growth”) economy it’s part of the problem and cannot be part of the solution, since the solution can only be to end the assault, period.
As for the climate crisis, there’s one and only one way to avert the worst:
Stop industrial-level emissions; stop destroying sinks; rebuild sinks.
Anything else, including the pro-industrial “Green New Deal” meme, is a lie. The Paris babblers still fetishize 2 degrees Celsius as their red line; meanwhile the last time the atmospheric carbon concentration was above 400PPM global temperatures were 5-10 degrees higher than the present. So that amount of rise is already baked in; it’ll just take time for temperatures to catch up to the radical ahistorical speed of the atmospheric concentration.
And as we see, literally no one who’s part of the political class, including the UNFCCC-Kyoto-Paris crew, including climate scientists, including the Democrat Party and its “DSA” astroturf, has any intention whatsoever of ending industrial emissions, ending the destruction of sinks, or of committing to a global grassroots-based rebuilding of sinks. Nowhere are any of those necessary steps on the agenda at all, only the same old destruction, the same old death march of production and consumption, both of which boil down to nothing but destruction, waste, and pollution. (Including the social pollution of wealth and power accumulation, every bit as toxic as dioxin accumulation in the physical tissues, and ultimately every bit as much a biological war; the two modes of total war are inextricable.)
But as they say, when you’re in a hole, keep digging and blasting, just paint your shovel and sticks of dynamite green. “The American way of life is non-negotiable. Therefore the solution to ecological crises can only be More Capitalism. Keep Shopping! And Keep Driving.” That’s the necrotic essence of the “green new deal”.
So our climate heroes have no intention of holding any line at 2 degrees – that’s just temporary political theater. Nor are they satisfied with the 5-10 degrees already baked in. No, they join hands with their “conservative”, de jure denier counterparts in their determination to continue emitting and continue destroying. The real magic number of the ultimate global heating, for every apostle of the economic civilization, is far higher than 10 degrees Celsius. And since the accelerating warming will bring the great methane surges and other feedbacks, this ardently yearned-for heat surge may come much. much sooner than anyone in their system expects. They’ll get their Utopia of flame and die in ecstasy.

November 13, 2018

Ecocide Equals Genocide


The economic civilization fights for the wholesale poisoning of the ecology and destruction of biodiversity. The attack is most aggressive on the front which is the original battlefront of civilization itself, agriculture. Modern poison-based agriculture long has been proven an agronomic failure, and it’s long been proven to increase hunger rather than alleviate it. Socially, agronomically, ecologically it’s purely destructive. We know the corporations, regulators, academia and corporate media don’t advocate poisonism for agronomic reasons. We know they’re willfully, intentionally committing ecocide and giving people cancer for the sake of nothing but power, profit, and destruction of biodiversity for the very sake of this destruction, since monoculture in itself (political, cultural, biological) is a totalitarian goal of the system. In 2017 the Monsanto Tribunal condemned Monsanto for these crimes, including ecocide.
The proposition that ecosystems have the same rights as humans follows rationally from any coherent concept of human rights, such as that upon which the Nuremburg tribunal based its jurisprudence. This is because humanity is inextricably part of the overall ecology. Therefore it’s both rationally and morally meaningless to conceive any human right, on a community or individual level, other than as part of a combined human-ecological right. At the same time “the individual” is a false construction in itself, a vestige of classical liberal/bourgeois ideology. In reality the individual can exist only within ecological and community contexts. Therefore individual rights can exist only within the context of ecological rights.
Most important of all, if genocide is a crime against humanity, then any broad-based destruction of the ecology is equally such a crime against humanity since humanity is inextricably part of and dependent upon the ecology.
Ecocide, in addition to being evil in itself, is equal to genocide.
Destroy the dinosaurs’ eggs every chance you get.

November 7, 2018

Same As the Old Boss

Filed under: Reformism Can't Work — Tags: — Russ @ 7:48 am


“Now let me lead”

Well what do you know, the Democrat faction of the Corporate One-Party took back control of the House from the Republican faction. (It’s one hard-right party, of course; only liars and those ignorant of history call the Dems “centrist”. By any objective or historical standard they’re a right-wing party.)
It’s no big surprise. Last two years it’s been the normally self-assured Republicans who, because of their ambivalence about Trump, have uncharacteristically taken on the usual Democrat role of existential confusion and doubt. Meanwhile the Democrats, in a berserk batshit-insane way, have been more motivated and focused.
So what are these Democrats going to do with this control now that they have it?
I made no prediction on what would happen in this election, but I’ve long predicted that if/when the Democrats win control of either house they’ll do nothing with that control. Jack squat. Status quo all the way, embellished with more retarded Russia-Derangement stuff and similar nonsense.
If there really were a difference between these corporate factions, here’s the chance for the House to obstruct all Senate-passed legislation. And as for things which are technically only in the power of the Senate such as confirming appointments, here’s the chance for the House to put public moral pressure on Democrats in the Senate. And there’s plenty of back-door ways an activist House can influence Senate business. Only morbid pedantry, so typical of liberal Dembots, goes on babbling about what the technical powers of this or that body are. The real world doesn’t work that way. To the extent I pay attention at all to Senate affairs it’ll be to see what the House is doing about it.
So they claim there’s a difference between the two parties? And they claim Trump is an incipient fascist dictator? In that case there’s a lot at stake, and extreme action is called for. Let’s see what kind of action we get from their “different” party in control of the House.
But I predict this House won’t lift a finger vs. the Senate, and that it’ll strive to work with the Senate on legislation, and that it’ll fully concur with the Senate on war budgets, police state measures, anything and everything demanded by Wall Street, Big Ag, the fossil fuel extractors, and of course the corporate welfare state in general.
Nor will any of these new-fangled fake “socialist” types take any action to change things one iota. Within the House Democrat faction they could take action, form any and every kind of coalition, to obstruct the corporate-Pelosi leadership faction. They will not do so. There’s another prediction. This “new” progressive bloc will be just as fake as the old one.
Nothing I’ve talked about here is anything but what is possible, what is always implicitly or explicitly promised by Dembots, and what it would seem is the minimum necessary given what Dembots claim is the scope of the crisis and what is at stake.

November 5, 2018



You can vote for the One or the One

I was going to write yet another new anti-electoral piece but really I’ve said it all already: That American elections are fake; that Republicans and Democrats are merely two factions of the Corporate One-Party; that they only pretend to disagree but in practice fully agree on literally every significant point; that even where they believe they’re disagreeing it’s only the narcissism of infinitesimal difference within their cult, meaningless to anyone outside the cult (i.e. almost all of humanity); that in particular both are fully dedicated to the total destruction of the Earth and humanity; that both agree the Earth and humanity should be nothing but a resource mine and waste dump for big corporations and the rich; that there’s nothing within the system which offers any alternative whatsoever to this total destruction; that partisan voters aren’t political at all but rather are types of celebrity fan club or fans of a sports team; that partisan voters are criminals, every bit as much as their Leaders; that they willfully and deliberately vote for every crime of their Leaders; that for anything to be done there’s no alternative to building a radical cultural movement completely outside and against the entire existing system.
So instead of writing a new piece I’ll just list a few of the pieces where I’ve already elaborated these facts.