
November 11, 2019

Connoisseurs of Restored Order


A violent order is disorder; and
A great disorder is an order. These
Two things are one.
– Wallace Stevens, “Connoisseur of Chaos”
I greatly like the term climate chaos to describe the unpredictable but increasing extreme effects of modern civilization’s kamikaze campaign to resurrect and unleash all of Gaia’s stored carbon from over 300 million years.
(That’s ancillary to global heating, the inexorable systemic rise of average temperatures which will render vast swathes of the globe uninhabitable for humans and most mammals, 5-10 degrees Celsius already locked in and counting. By uninhabitable I mean here just from the heat itself, not counting drought, pandemics, mass famine out of the collapse of agriculture, all the other inevitable effects.)
Climate chaos. But we must keep in mind that the chaos of Gaia’s backlash, the Kinesis of Earth’s reaction to the insane destructive action of human civilization, is really the beginning of the restoration of the Earthly order against the deranged disorder which civilization inflicts wherever it infests.
As I’ve had occasions to cite before, here most of all I cite the most honest Freudian slip ever, from Chicago’s Mayor Daley in 1968: “The police are here to preserve disorder.”
No conquistador or fascist or Stalinist or Republican could have said it better than this Democrat Party leader.
And today all the forces of modern civilization – governments, corporations, the media, universities, the STEM establishment, NGOs, up to and including most of all the mainstream climate-industrial movement – are waging war to ensure the preservation and maximum of Earthly disorder, up to and including their own destruction.
We few Pioneers and Returners must prepare accordingly. First thing: There’s nothing left for us in civilization or “the civilized”. Let it go.
Can we be “the pensive man” of Stevens’ poem,
He sees the eagle float
For which the intricate Alps are a single nest.

November 9, 2019

The Carbon Bankrupt Continue Their Spree


For the 30 years of the history of the globalized climate-industrial movement emissions have done nothing but increase and increase at an accelerating rate. Destruction of sinks has only continued. According to paleoclimatic evidence at least 5 degrees Celsius is already locked in. As emissions continue to rise this committed heating will continue to rise. The whole conceit of the climate-industrial infrastructure, that there’s still a “carbon budget” available to civilization, and that global heating can be limited to 2 degrees (or even 1.5 in the fantasies of the real wingnuts), is nothing but a monumental fraud designed to let “good people” think they can be “concerned” about the climate, maybe perform a few anodyne rituals like changing light bulbs or cars, of course donate to Big Green, and otherwise continue with the ecocidal business as usual with a clear conscience. Western do-gooders sure know how to have it all, and now they can have their planet and destroy it.
A new report, issued by the pro-capitalists at Carbon Tracker, highlights what a sham the Paris accord is:
“A new report released Friday claims that if fossil fuel companies want to have any chance of hitting Paris Climate Accord numbers by 2040, they will have to cut production by over a third.”
The only way to avert a much worse rise than an already catastrophic 5 degrees would be to abolish all industrial emissions today. But Paris says if Big Fossil were to cut destruction by a third, by 2040, this can keep the Extreme Energy Civilization within the limit of a 2 degree rise. Clearly we’re dealing with a mass psychological framework composed of propaganda and astroturfing from above and from below the religious faith that this civilization can continue to exist and to rip the Earth to pieces to generate all the worthless destructive junk and waste and yet do it in a “climate-friendly” way. We’re dealing with Nuremburg-level propaganda crimes and mass delusion.
Carbon Tracker isn’t so concerned with this, but with saving Big Fossil’s profits:
“Carbon Tracker’s “Balancing the Budget” details the long road for extractive industries “to keep emissions within international climate targets and protect shareholder value.”… Companies that continue to sanction higher-cost projects which do not fit with a lower demand scenario risk destroying significant shareholder value through the creation of stranded assets, as well as contributing to the failure to achieve climate goals.”
This quote, typical of those committed to “investor activism” (which assumes the perpetuation and desirability of extreme-energy capitalism and the dominance of the finance sector) and corporate environmentalists in general, is just another demonstration that the climate-industrial movement is dedicated to saving the Extreme Energy Civilization and cancer-“growth” economy from itself in order to continue with this framework of extreme energy and cancer. All Big Green action is dedicated, not to saving the Earth but saving the modern economy. It’s therefore appropriate that in America their favorite policy gambit is the idea of a “Green New Deal”. Just as the original New Deal was deployed to save capitalism from itself as it came under increasing threat from worker action, so the Green New Deal would be deployed to save industrial civilization from itself as it comes under increasing ecological threat. (This puts in perspective the frequent militarist rhetoric among mainstream environmentalists themselves: They too comprise a Dominionist faction and view civilized humanity as being at war with an aggressive nature.)
Since this is impossible because of ecological limits and the limits of “resources” starting with non-renewable, irreplaceable fossil fuels themselves, the climate-industrial movement boils down to a massive propaganda campaign designed to reassure the masses that they can continue the berserk binge, prop up the destruction economy for as long as possible until Earth-forced collapse, and suppress the rise of the necessary ideas and actions of degrowth and primalism.
As for what the civilization could do to avert even worse consequences than those already wired in, there is only one set of three actions which could effect a partial mitigation if done in time. If not, and civilization certainly will not do them, then Earth’s kinesis will do its worst as it imposes all three by force. These three actions are:
End all industrial emissions; stop destroying carbon sinks; let all natural sinks resume their natural ranges.
Anything else, including everything typical of corporate environmentalism and its climate-industrial movement which claims civilization still has Earth to burn, is a lie.

November 4, 2019

Electoral Geeks

Filed under: Climate Crisis, Dance of Death, Reformism Can't Work — Tags: , , — Russ @ 3:42 am


The notion that the vote is sacred in some way, with its implication that saintly people once fought and died so you can vote for whatever wicked lunacy you like, tallies well with the propaganda lie that “the troops fought for our freedoms.” Once again we see the fundamental pro-war affinity of liberals, and how the vote-sacralizing ideology itself is implicitly pro-war. (It also has a deep affinity with Mammon’s tenet that money is sacred and not just a tool.) And for the American mainstream “freedom” means nothing but license.
I’m not a member of this religious cult of electoralism. I view voting purely as a tactic and judge electoralism purely by its results.
By now the results are long since in: From the point of view of ecological sanity and human freedom, well-being, health and happiness, electoralism is a failure. Beyond the local level there’s seldom any context where voting makes any tactical sense at all. It’s purely for entertainment purposes or, in the case of the electoral fundamentalists, religious ritual.
The partisan bots worship celebrity politicians in the exact same way any other fan club worships any other kind of celebrity and root for their party in the exact same way sports fans root for their team. Those of us outside the cult recognize that there’s nothing here but carnival geeks in kangaroo elections, and that the alleged differences between Democrats and Republicans, for which sectarians within the cult are willing to throttle one another, are nothing but fighting over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, 36 or 37.
And then many of them are so deep into the cult that they think even such an existential predicament as the climate crisis and the escalating Sixth Mass Extinction can be solved at the ballot box.
Of course the beyond-human animals and plants don’t vote, nor do forests or rivers or mountains. Nor do the great majority of our voting do-gooders want to figure out a way to give beyond-humans a vote. Gaia as a whole doesn’t vote until she renders the electorate insane to the point that they vote to accelerate their own destruction. This is happening now.
In the meantime liberal electoralists assure us that they and only they can save humanity and the whole world, and they can do it only and exclusively by voting Democrat. (I single out liberal Democrats because they’re the most obnoxious proselytizers for the electoral religion and because they carry the corporate-environmental program into the ballot box with them. Of course voting Republican is no better.)
If we vote their way we can be, not the cartoon X-Men but the equally cartoon XR-Men.
“This my friends is where we stand today. The myth becomes reality. The villain is corporate and government sponsored environmental destruction. The townsfolk are all of us, trying to just live out our lives in peaceful prosperity. The goddess is nature, loved by all for her beauty but so often misunderstood, abandoned, used and abused. The hero is the extinction rebellion and all sincere activists, drifting through town intent on righting the wrong, challenging the villain, setting the example and hopefully, when it’s all said and done, settling in for the life ever after with the glorious goddess.”
There’s the mentality of corporate environmentalism and the climate industry. “Nature” still is helplessly prone on the rack where Francis Bacon strapped her for what he gleefully called a gang rape. Only now our heroic XR Men are coming to the rescue brandishing ballots and petitions to their favorite politicians.
On the contrary the task of we primalists, we pioneers and returners, is to endure Gaia’s Kinesis, doing whatever we can along the way to assist the Earth, wherever we see opportunities. But in spite of the Dominionist delusions of exploiter and would-be savior alike, we know that Earth remains infinitely dominant and now is beginning to smack down this vermin infestation called “modern civilization”. (That is indeed what this civilization is in the most literal biological sense of the term.) And we build the necessary movement against this culture and polity and for a post-fossil Gaian society.
Meanwhile the fake elections of this civilization are just one of the circuses while the basis of bread rapidly shrinks toward nothing.

November 2, 2019

Toward Primal Necessity


I think and feel and see the world in terms of all but the last few hundred years out of 20 million years of human evolution, 200 million years of mammalian evolution, four billion years of Gaian evolution. This is the basis of a primal world view based in deep ecology and deep time. It places humanity in ecological and temporal context and retrieves order out of the intellectual and psychological chaos of the modern mind.
The modern mind exists only as passenger in a machine fueled by fossils and driven by a psychopathy which deploys a purely instrumental, nihilistic pseudo-reason and pseudo-science, both inflated out of all rational proportion and both used, abused, twisted and distorted funhouse-mirror style in order to be useful toward any given psychotic corporate-governmental-military goal.
With these fuels the machine has constructed a civilization of psychosis and alienation and violence, designed so that a handful of psychopaths, themselves slaves of their compulsions, always have been able to seize control, turn every development or chance to their advantage, and induce everyone else to follow.
This machine, this civilization never can or will reform itself, never will restrain itself even in its own interest. For example the premise of the Green New Deal is that the Extreme Energy Civilization can save itself from itself and therefore perpetuate itself, perpetuate the tyranny of “the economy”, perpetuate productionism, perpetuate consumerism. But since green capitalism itself is ecocidal, and continued and escalated ecocide cannot save the destroyer from the consequences of its ecocide, any actual GND deployment would only aggravate the self-destructive crisis. But for the moment the propaganda idea of green capitalism including any “Green New Deal” still is doing its sheep-herding, liberal-conscience-mollifying work and delaying the rise of the necessary ideas of degrowth and primalism.
In truth the only meaningful action for us now is to propagate these ideas and organize to help one another endure the tribulations of imperial reaction, mass nervous breakdown, ecological collapse, climate chaos, and Gaia’s Kinesis lashing back in equal and opposite reaction to all the ecological destruction of the modern era.
The basic elements of primalism: Revering the Earth, living in proportion to the encompassing ecology, taking and discarding only what’s necessary, basing culture and morality on these Gaian relationships, basing intellect on understanding them as much as possible and being consciously aware of this understanding and the limits of understanding, basing wisdom on respect for this and all necessary limits, and on respect for the whole natural community with all its relationships. This, I think, is the best we pioneers and returners from among modernized humans can do. Future generations who grow from the new world with whatever soil and whatever Gaian phase it incarnates will grow the truly Gaian cultures of the future.