
May 29, 2020

Corona Spectacle Amid the Arc of Collapse


Ever since I started blogging in 2009 I’ve assumed, based on prior analysis, that the 1% understands that the fossil-fueled economic civilization is tottering and that they need to shore up their power to carry over their dominance through the transition from the extreme-energy age to the impending desert wasteland.
That was the obvious interpretation of Wall Street’s deliberate crash of the global economy in 2008 and the 2009 bailout, and it’s even more obvious now.
To the extent the elites are rational, they know that the energy and ecological bases of the economic civilization are eroded to near the point of collapse. Thus since 2008 they’ve been on a campaign to secure control of all real assets – land, water, every other physical resource – while 2001 gave the pretext for a great ramping up of the police state, with another great escalation underway now. The goal is to sustain as much of their power and luxury as possible as the civilization collapses, and to replace it with an older form of tyranny and slave state.
Meanwhile currently there’s no hint of any revolutionary potential among the masses. But that doesn’t solve the ongoing existential problem which confronts the global elites: There are over seven billion people who the capitalists no longer even want to exploit, but who from the elites’ point of view can only comprise a potentially dangerous waste dump. So far there’s only astroturfing and easily co-opted “reform” scams percolating among these wastes, but that doesn’t mean there never will arise any real threat.
So a key goal of the lockdowns is to quash all political organizing and protest, and terminally kettle all political communication online on social media, where censorship will constrict and constrain ever more tightly. In this way the system hopes to use the Corona campaign to permanently eradicate all participatory politics, which means all real politics as such. They’ll keep tightening the screws as long as they can even if it means business suffers. What does business matter anyway, if today the top executives and shareholders can grab bailout checks. Tomorrow means nothing, as far as that goes.
Shortly they’ll be left with no extreme economy since there’s no extreme energy to power it and no ecological grounding for it. All talk of “growth” and “jobs” will be defunct. The 1% plans to have attained such complete physical domination of the populace by then that it won’t matter. They’ll be able simply to let everyone starve to death, through more or less active or passive policy, whatever’s necessary.
The knee-jerk lockdowns have been on account of a lukewarm flu which, objectively, is not something this society would care much about. The cancer pandemic is worse, and few care. The pandemic of heart disease is worse, and few care. The pandemic of deaths and injuries from The Car is worse, and not only do few care, but Car-worship remains a fundamentalism even among self-alleged “environmentalists” and the climate-industrial movement.
All that goes to prove that the top-down constrictions are joining the mass hysteria in an unscientific and irrational way to deploy a prior totalitarian plan.

May 8, 2020

Let There Be Light


“The sun declares the glory of God; and the stars show his handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he set a tabernacle for the sun.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat of the sun.”
– Psalm 19
There’s two principles I hold dear which are confirmed by my personal experience and that of many people I’ve known. Both are confirmed by science. I’ve also known and seen online and in the media large numbers of people including credentialed experts who speak to the good of these. They are:
1. Outdoor recreation is critically important for physical and psychological health, including strengthening our immune systems which are so important now. By contrast, indoor incarceration is physically and psychologically detrimental and depresses immune function. In particular, being amid nature, out in the woods, boosts immunity along with myriad other health benefits.
Meanwhile the science is clear that the outdoor transmission of Corona or any other virus is negligible or nonexistent.
2. Everything I know, from my ten years experience of growing crops and studying agroecology, from years of ecological study, from a lifetime of experiencing nature; everything I know tells me that any potential pathogen is best balanced through biodiversity, while forcible violent attempts at segregation and sterilization are doomed to fail.
The entire trend of recent biological and epidemiological science finds that well-balanced biodiversity, from the human microbiome to the ecology at large, is the only way potential pathogens are kept in check, while rigid attempts at sterilization never work and only generate many ancillary harms.
Today the vast majority of those who have long gone around proclaiming these principles have utterly betrayed them and flipped 180 degrees. Now they say and do the exact opposite of what they always claimed was their core belief. Now those who touted the health benefits of nature suddenly shriek “It’s safest indoors!” “The outdoors isn’t safe!!” “The air is poisoned, don’t breathe it!!!” This is when the air is the cleanest and most wholesome it’s been in our lives. We see how adversely their kind reacts to purification. Wholesome air makes them retch.
And suddenly our former believers in organic farming and biodiversity insist, “The right way to deal with pests is through rigid, violent interventions. We need iron-clad inflexible segregation and sterilization measures.”
We see what frauds they always were. They never really believed in their self-alleged principles, which means they never believed in themselves. Therefore it’s no wonder that the moment the chips are down they’ve all regressed to an infantile state where they beg Big Brother to tell them what to do and then obey every stricture, no matter how self-evidently idiotic and anti-scientific, no matter how obviously self-destructive, in the most literal, abject, servile way.
The two examples I give here are just the tip of the iceberg. I selected them because they go to the core of personal and public health, physical and psychological, as well as their pivotal ecological importance. Yet they’re just two among the hundreds of principles which many claimed to cherish but which it turns out almost no one ever really believed. These include the many moral, spiritual, social, political principles I hold dear which I thought I shared with some others, albeit all too few. But today I see that even among these few, almost all were really frauds and liars ready to throw everything away the moment one of the system’s terror campaigns finally got to them. Or else they had an inner fascist all along just waiting for the perfect opportunity to come out.
One of these principles, which brings together all the others, is that we see the real worth of individuals and their principles when things get toughest. By this measure, we see how utterly worthless almost everyone who ever claimed to believe in anything really is.
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, my redeemer…
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he set a tabernacle for the sun.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat of the sun.”
The terrorists of government and media are trying to hide the Earth itself from the sun, and all too many among the mass still yearn to be hidden. But they will fail. All will be exposed. As anyone who is even minimally scientifically literate knows, the sun kills viruses.
And in the end, however black, benighted and evil things look now, the sun will expose all the wickedness, stupidity, and insanity of this most horrible torment humanity ever has inflicted upon itself.

May 6, 2020



A man invited a woman friend to go for a walk together in the woods. Since she knew he was a friend she agreed, and they had a nice walk.
Another man invited her, but she knew he was a professional killer and suspected that he wanted to get her alone out in the woods in order to kill her where no one could hear her screams. At the very least she knew he was a terrible guide who was guaranteed to get them lost. She refused to go.
She felt she should choose differently based on the different kinds of invitation. She thinks she chose rightly. But for many decades and today especially, strident masses insist that these invitations aren’t different at all, and that one always must accept every invitation. They continue to insist even as their every acceptance proves an ever greater disaster.
Today they (figuratively, morally) gather and rush in the greatest mass ever, at the greatest speed ever, with the greatest enthusiasm and compulsion ever, to accept the most doubtful invitation ever, toward what looks to be the worst disaster ever.