
January 22, 2021

Crossroads Today


The word of the time, the mystery of the Spirit unfolds through a bizarre byway, prefigured by Exodus 34.33-35 and 2 Corinthians 3.6-18. We know the end times are at hand, for even as the devil attains his brief dominion on Earth, the Lord has laid the ground for this sprawling pantomime where all the sinners, all the devil’s people, all the idolators rush to veil themselves and submit to the mark of the beast, while we few faithful in Christ, needing no veil obscuring our spirit, renounce the symbolic modes touted by the devil and his second beast.
Paul called the Old Testament the covenant of death, which can mean only in the sense of compost. He who gives up his life will save it, but he who clings to obsolete reactionary forms will lose it.
Exodus 34 tells how Moses speaks with the Lord and then relays the Lord’s words to the Israelites. Moses speaks but is too radiant from communion with the Lord to be looked upon by the people. Thus he wears a mask because the people are afraid of the Lord’s mediator; then whenever he speaks with the Lord he takes off the mask; then comes out to relay the command and replaces the mask when he sees the people are afraid.
Paul tells us, the letter brings death, but the Spirit beings life. Therefore the veiling of Moses now represents those who have not accepted the Spirit, while the unveiling upon being born again is a renewed baptism upon receiving the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3.13-18 describes how Moses belatedly put on the mask so the crowd wouldn’t see the glory fading. Thus today the devil’s command to the atoms of the mob to put on the mask is intended to prop up faith in the fading Babylon, the collapsing economic civilization, the crumbling Sodom and Gomorrah. Self-afflicting the mask is symbol and sign in reality.
This is the symbol and the temporary artificial reality of refusing to see, to think, most of all not to speak of the terminal ecological kinesis this suicidal civilization is conjuring, the terminal economic collapse, the terminal world war.
Paul says they remain dull while reading the word of the mask. The physical mask keeps people stupid and is designed to keep them stupid. This is true politically, culturally, spiritually, wherever we see brain-dead soul-dead conformity to the TV and the imperial media. It’s also true in the most literal physiological sense, as the maskochists deprive themselves of oxygen, recycle the germs they exhale into such a favorable moist environment, and block out the healthful immune-boosting emissions of the trees and plants.
The primary purpose of the Covid cult, like everything propagated by the TV and imperial media, is to maximize fear-itself and render people stupid in the most literal sense and keep them that way.
Paul disparages the Law, and he disparages Old Testament scripture as such. It’s incomplete, a stage meant to be superseded by the advent of Christ. So it’s fading even as it happens.
In the same way, scientism, technocracy, Mammon, globalism, “progress”, all are from the covenant of death. They are fading, they are perishing, and if humanity refuses to assume agency and abolish them, God through the Earth shall destroy them with extreme force.
To cling to these doomed cities is reactionary. It is to keep the veil over one’s face.
The physical mask is the direct cult symbol of this, for the cultists that desperately cling to the superstition of their gluttonous parasite cities and flagellate themselves to the heights of ecstasy where they believe in their dominion over the Earth, believe in lockdowns, believe they are gods.
Deep within they feel their cities are doomed, and their economic civilization is collapsing, being brought down by God’s great creation the Earth, the Earth against which they have been such idolatrous traitors.
We’ve long known the motivations of the elites, these are simple – to maximize and sustain for as long as possible their power and control. And now we have the clearest sign of how the vast majority of the West, the great bulk of whom are beleaguered slaves themselves, vast numbers being self-liquidated by their own cherished lockdowns which they never resist, we now see clearly how the masses themselves are nothing but clay to be worked by the idol craftsmen.
In the end, where is your faith? Is your faith in God? In the Earth? In the natural human immune system evolved over millions of years. In clean air and water and wholesome food. In outdoor communion with our Mother Earth created by God for our health and enjoyment.
Or is your faith with those who are committed to destroying our Earth, to murdering all life, to murdering our very faculty of the Spirit? Is your faith in corporate technocrats who have failed in everything they ever wrought and have done nothing but wreak havoc and destruction, who have telegraphed long before “Covid” their techno-fascist goals of total dominion, who literally deem themselves to be gods and now are preparing their intended future mythology which would look back upon them literally as gods…
They engineered Covid in their bioweapons labs where they built upon their devil’s experiments of genetic engineering and then they unleashed it upon us all, for the sake of their own profit and power. They now want to violently force us to receive these biological weapons directly into our bodies in the form of “vaccines”.
Their bioweapons labs spewed the plague, however mild or severe, and now the exact same labs spew the alleged “cure”.
Do you have faith in God and the Earth, or do you have faith in the labs and their stooges? And if you reject them, what will you do?
This is the only decision left.


  1. It’s been a very long time, Russ. There is much to say, but, for now, I present this hopeful news. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/coronavirus/many-chiapas-citizens-say-no-to-covid-vaccination-campaign/

    Comment by Edwardo — February 9, 2021 @ 10:14 pm

    • How’s it going Edwardo. The people of Chiapas know what’s up. They have all too much experience with these globalist criminals.

      Comment by Russ Bangs — February 10, 2021 @ 3:44 am

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