
February 24, 2021

Miasma Now


“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
– John 3.8
The same is true of the Antispirit. “Covid” blows where the insane hive mind wishes, you hear the sound of it through the propaganda machine and the terrorized squeals and grunts of the mass. But no one can tell what it is, where it comes from, where it goes. People, almost all of them hyper-aged, become ill but no one knows how. The only place Covid verily is known to exist at all is in a computer model. So goes everything born of the Antispirit.
Those who Gaia would destroy she first makes insane. Even I, long jaded as I became, have been taken by surprise at the sudden violent eruption of mass insanity girdling the globe in a berserk pantomime of globalism itself, the globalism all these benighted medieval masses worship. We see the pyroclastic explosion of the fastest-surging global religion in all history by many orders of magnitude. We see the most all-purging cultural-spiritual tsunami in the entire human experience, the most extreme final convulsion of this most extreme destructive, self-destructive, genocidal-ecocidal global economic technocratic civilization.
They believe the Earth itself including all human bodies are toxic. To me as an agroecological grower of twelve years now who has been writing against industrial agriculture for over ten years, this is a familiar mindset though grossly aggravated and inflamed. The whole “Covid” mindset of an evil germ, a war of Man vs. Nature, the rejection of all ecological thinking in favor of brute-force technocratic interventions, all stemming from a pseudo-secularized modern version of long-running Dominion theology, all this was familiar from day one.
It’s just a monstrous inflammation of the same mindset and practice I’ve long been familiar with in industrial agriculture. That’s part of why I never believed the Covid lies for a moment.
And it’s also why I see zero reason to think we’ll ever see resistance, truth telling, or simple rationality coming from any faction of the technocratic “science”-worshippers. They’re lost to humanity once and for all, and the sooner we rid ourselves of them the better.
In the psychotic fantasies of the elites and their cogs, and the nightmares of the cultist hive mind, we confront a “pest”, a “pathogen” against which all of humanity must be conscripted to fight a total war of extermination, Victory or Death, with every kind of scorched earth, the burning of every village, the radical flooding of every poison, every artificial intervention the more totalitarian the better, to attain dominion over the what the mainstream believes is the satanic land of nature. And thus Satan gains ascendancy over their every insane self-destroying thought and action. Thus once again the devil carries out the Lord’s punishment, scourging the economic civilization’s idolatry of technology and Mammon and its rampage of destruction over the Lord’s wondrous and beautiful creation Earth.
We know the dominion plan is impossible. All the science and practice of ecology, agroecology, genetics and immunology, epidemiology and virology proves it. Biodiversity, balance, judo not frontal assault, all this works. Forcible violent intervention does not. Reductive technological thinking and practice does not. Scorched earth does not.
But their goal isn’t balance and stability or health and well-being. Their goal is extermination. Their goal is to scorch the Earth for the sake of scorching.
They hate the human body. They hate being human.
They hate the air itself, think it poisonous in every way (except for their own industrial air pollution which kills hundreds of thousands every year, their own indoor polluted air; these are normal and normative). It’s only the wholesome air they fear and hate as poison to their toxified minds.
Their minds suffer an extreme autoimmune disease where all reason and logic are turned upside down, every word now means the opposite of what it previously meant, all real evidence is automatically rejected and every lie automatically believed.
The pandemic religion acutely poisons the mind and soul, poisons them against our Mother Earth. Of all the pathogens which have used globalization as their vector, the alleged “Covid”, whatever it is, has been the most successful by far since it’s by far the most successful at diseasing the minds and souls of its hosts even without any physical infection at all but purely via non-physical communication of thoughts, “memes”, spooky action at a distance. It has attained near total dominion over all of Western civilization and wherever this toxic mode of society is aped, and almost all domesticated, “civilized”, housebroken human atoms have submitted to its dominion infinitely out of proportion to any physical harm it has done or ever could do.
Covid verily is a miasma: Not the physical miasma of the medieval superstition to which all of modern Western civilization has regressed, but the miasma of contagious fear and mental collapse, as if the tenebrous black mist emanating from Cthulhu’s portal or Shelob’s tunnel or Revelation’s abyss of Satan had suffused all of Earth’s atmosphere in the insane hive mind.
The mindset is insanity and blasphemy against Spirit and Earth. The mask is a shield and insult against the air itself. The hex spacing is a curse on all human bodies. Submission to gene-engineering injection is a self-loathing assault on one’s own body. Thus they receive the Mark of the Beast and worship the image of the beast.
They are verily Revelation’s destroyers of the Earth. The smoke of “Covid” festers as if it would become the Bible’s smoke that rises forever, obscuring all vision forever. It blows as a mental wave through the modern hive mind.
And in the blast of their psychotic self-imagined wind the hive-dwellers will tremble and shake themselves and their hive to atoms, and they’ll be gone. They lie and they fear and hate their fellows, they fear and hate themselves, they fear and hate their Earth, they fear and hate their Lord.
And so in their insanity they shall destroy themselves, and finally bring peace for the remnant.