
November 2, 2020

The Pivot of 2020


1. This is a full-blown war election where both combatants struggle to take the wheel of the machine while pledging to continue to perpetrate total war on the Earth; aggressive imperial war everywhere in the world limited only by nature and the will of those targeted to fight back; economic war everywhere in the world including and especially against the American people themselves; all this capped by the world-historical “War on Covid” global campaign to impose the most extreme civil war of the globalist-technocratic government against the people in every country; permanent total terror and lockdown while the Covid Death Cult already has surged to become history’s fastest-spreading global religion by many orders of magnitude.
2. The globalist “Great Reset” wants to overcome the diverse rising obstacles to globalism’s perpetuation, especially the intensifying centrifugal political and economic forces which oppose it or hinder it. The global elites see politics as such, and any mode of economy other than that which is strictly regimented and controlled from the pinnacle of civilization’s power by the US government, the oligopoly MNCs and a handful of globalization entities, as antiquated obstructions to its power and profit. From the point of view of the Earth and especially humanity it’s essential to obstruct the globalist-technocratic elite as much as possible.
So it follows that anything which sustains and multiplies the number of obstacles any globalist actor has to traverse is a good thing, while anything that streamlines, unifies, renders more “efficient” is bad. This includes US foreign policy. Although this policy will remain aggressively imperialist for as long as this government exists, it makes a significant difference how disciplined and superficially “kinder and gentler” the facade is, as opposed to how wayward, openly brutish and gratuitously insulting to everyone in the world. Real anti-globalists always have known this, and the need never has been more critical than now. From this point of view Trump is vastly preferable. The across-the-board hatred the elites hold for him is the best recommendation.
Trump’s election was a monkey-wrench in the works, and although the 1% was able to turn the lemons to lemonade by turning anti-Trumpism into an organizing principle among the bewildered masses, they certainly want to return to having a reliable, fully pliant figurehead in the White House. With Biden/Harris they’d get the best of both worlds – they get either the obedient Biden or the even more aggressively obedient Harris who would be all the more controllable since she has no political support of her own and was never elected in the first place.
So it follows that gratuitous US imperial belligerence is being “creatively destructive” of itself, to use one of capitalism’s own religious terms, in spite of the US empire’s own long-run goals and interests. The worst thing would be for US foreign policy to become less Kaiser and more Bismarck. The more chaos the better. It may seem more painful in the short run than running home to hide under adult mama’s skirts the way almost all former anti-imperialists, anti-globalists, “radicals”, “leftists” have done, since they all were frauds all along who can’t take the slightest pain or hardship and would rather die than do any movement-building work, but for the long run good of the Earth including humanity there’s no other option.
The faster and more totally this thing goes down the better for all but the globalist-technocratic 1% and their boot-lickers.
3. All of today’s main political threads express a war mentality and all institutional actions comprise a war program. Far greater than any at least since 1968 this is a wartime election. Here’s a few of the superficial implications:
Trump’s general fecklessness, his weather-vaning and fence-sitting on the imperial wars and the terror-lockdown assault which uses “Covid” as a pretext, his personal and administrative weakness, have added up to the perception that he’s a bad wartime president. This includes the seldom analyzed or questioned cliche “Trump mismanaged the pandemic”, which presumably means the commenter doesn’t like how Trump has used the bully pulpit since as president he has little other power. And yet by any rational measure state governors like Cuomo that claimed the real power mismanaged things far worse than Trump.
Meanwhile beyond suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome no one could support the Democrats except insofar as they have faith in international total war and the domestic Covid civil war, those that aren’t sick of these and want to escalate them. Of course no system partisan ever opposed Trump on account of his policy aspirations, which remain on the same globalist trajectory as his predecessors.
If the Democrats were to occupy the presidency, it seems there’s two equal and opposite possibilities for the terror-lockdown assault.
Most likely a Democrat administration bolstered by institutional support would perpetuate and escalate the lockdown war in accord with prior Democrat program.
But if in accord with election propaganda the lockdowns always were fundamentally partisan or have become so, especially to the extent the elites are self-aware of their scam, why would they want to saddle a Democrat administration with blame for harms of the lockdowns going forward as well as any deaths which should be attributed to other, normalized causes like the flu? In that case they may want to declare victory and end the war.
We see today in Europe the great “second wave”, not of Covid in itself (which from any rational perspective has been fading out as any rationally conceivable danger since late spring and continues to fade), but of the malevolent lockdowns themselves. We see the progress of the biggest Big Lie ever: First the lockdowns were supposed to be “temporary”, for “just a few weeks” in order to “flatten the curve”. Then they had to be imposed longer in order for the economy to “reopen” (which never really happened anywhere that imposed the lockdowns in the first place). Now it turns out the lockdowns failed in the first place, but for the system and its death cult this doesn’t debunk the entire paradigm of lockdowns as it would to any sane rational person. On the contrary it means civilization needs more and worse lockdowns.
By now no one but the most fanatical card-carrying, digital-paying, beast-marked cultist wingnuts can believe any of this. We’re through the looking glass, anyone who goes down the lockdown hole enters a police state labyrinth from which no escape or end is any longer even conceivable, where it’ll always be “all clear” tomorrow and all clear yesterday but never all clear today.
4. The “Covid” brain-washing is serving as the organizing principle for economic demolition. The escalation of the police state and propaganda boosting conformity to the new religion of death are supplements to this goal and the elites’ long-run goal of sustaining their power through the tribulations of resource depletion and ecological blowback and collapse.
The US government is leading what it intends to be the permanent controlled demolition of the world economy because the 1% knows its collapse, driven proximately by the collapse of the finance sector and its infinite pyramid of paper, is imminent. They hope Greer’s mechanistic theory of “catabolic collapse” is right, that Gaia will change phase in an orderly way to a lower level of energy intensity and turbulence, and that the globalist system can sustain itself at a lower level of production and consumption, a lower level of the capitalist round of “growth” followed by self-destruction and cannibalization in order to re-open space which then can serve as a renewed growth frontier, for the time being.
China is a mid-run threat to this. Its own global-imperial aspirations will seek to fill and exceed any temporary vacuum where “growth” still could be renewed within the space temporarily opened by this disaster capitalist demolition. Of course Western profiteering and growth ideology also will want to re-fill the space. In spite of attempts by the global cabal as represented at Davos by the likes of the National Security Council or Gates Foundation, metastatic economic cancer can’t be controlled, only redirected. But if the consumer base is liquidated, it won’t be possible to resume cancer growth via consumer spending.
This confirms the prior trend toward basing economic cancer on government contracts, especially things which can use up a lot of wealth and then be deliberately destroyed – military hardware and hot war, industrial agriculture (highly wasteful inherently, much of the crop/food is burned, let rot, wasted), logging at an economic loss and vastly greater ecological loss, for the sake of subsidized products no one will buy, anything which uses up public wealth for destruction and waste while the ever-shrinking circle of elites siphons off as much as they can for their personal and institutional iniquity. Shooting wars always are the most direct way.
These all converge on the propaganda campaign working to drum up war fever against China. Cold war is a given, and the US government is willing to provoke hot war if necessary. Russia is no threat in itself and no one in the US thinks it is, but Russophobia has served as an organizing principle for US imperialism abroad and building the civil war mentality at home. From the point of view of US imperialism the real target still is China.
Nuclear war is the logical end of all these threads. It would maximize the economic demolition and therefore is desirable from the point of view of many of the elites, although many also fear it as too chaotic and not controllable. Few fear for themselves physically: By now they’ve swallowed their own ideology of indispensability and necessity and faith in their institutional security to the point that most believe they’d be invulnerable to physical blast waves or radiation in direct proportion to how the mass death cult believes the air itself is now poisoned with a vague miasma called “Covid” (even while these same masses disregard actual particulate air pollution). And if all else fails the 1% believes in their bomb shelters.
5. The climate crisis as represented by the climate-industrial complex is misdirection away from any authentic, organic anti-cancerous degrowth ecological movement. The massive scam of continuing the ecocidal death march under the rubric of a “green economy”, “green capitalism”, “green” cancer aka “growth”, “Green New Deal”, is another potent way to gobble up and waste in real time the wealth which otherwise might try to construct unsustainable infrastructure which can’t so easily be vaporized.
The point everywhere is to produce nothing but vaporware going forward.
6. Anti-trumpism has served the globalist-technocrat 1% as an organizing principle but from their point of view now reaches its expiration date. The elites want to move on to consolidation. They want to give Democrats the mandate to consolidate the demolition and coordinate all economic and social existence within that framework. Trump occupying the White House is a monkey wrench in the works. The question of the day is, Can the rising populist/re-nationalist movement sustain Trump’s occupation or will it be quashed by the fake election? From the anti-global perspective it might be now or never for street insurrection, and for the longer run a renewed national movement against the globalist system’s own species of fascist warlords which in outline already has been discernable in the “Antifa”/BLM riots. The same dynamic must play out throughout the civil-warring West and anti-colonial South.
7. One thing certain is that no matter what happens on November 3rd there will be two hard core partisan factions which will insist their guy won, refuse to concede anything, dig in and entrench. From there it’ll be an extra-electoral civil war of propaganda, lawfare-waging and street-fighting to determine, force against force, what occupies the White House.
Meanwhile from the perspective of the Earth, the global South and what’s left of indigenous peoples everywhere these squabbles among the necropolitans mean nothing. The economic civilization and especially the US system comprise a monolith of wickedness and destruction. A caldera explosion to be endured until it burns itself out. From the perspective of Gaia there’s nothing to choose – the necropolis is inherently ecocidal. The city is omnicide incarnate.
The Earth will level their karma according to its own procedures, its own schedule. God sees the truth but waits, Gaia waits for her biological processes to play themselves out.
Earth cares nothing for the fever dreams of the swollen mass hominid brain. Just look at this most extraordinary event in human history, the instantaneous global surge of by far the biggest global religion ever, the Covid Death Cult which ardently believes in the extreme deadliness of a viral pandemic and fervently prays for this mass death to become real. Yet all this pressure-cooked mass fear and loathing and faith all exploding everywhere at once has done nothing to prevent Covid itself from being a bust. All this mass collective hive prayer has availed nothing to make a mountain out of this molehill.
And so it all shall be in the end for the vanities of this global Babylon.

October 28, 2020

Mirages in a Desert Whose Water Runs Out


The World Economic Forum gives another run-down on the totalitarian plan:
“Far from settling into a ‘new normal’, we should expect a Covid19 domino effect, triggering further disruptions – positive as well as negative – over the decade ahead. “
There’s a clue to the mass psychology of the Covid Death Cult. The rhetoric is familiar from forecasts of rising climate chaos, but with “Covid19” substituted for “climate”. (Of course in reality “positive as well as negative” feedback loops refer only to the direction of dynamism. All the effects on civilization and especially most of the effects on the 99% will for the short run be bad and destructive. But leave it to the global-technocratic elites to look for the good in the Covid “crisis” they engineered. Self-evidently they did it only in expectation of good for them and evil for everyone else.)
In spite of all the rhetoric about a “green economy” and a “Green New Deal”, deep down everyone except the most idiotic *****climate crocodiles and right-believers in the climate-industrial movement know that the climate crisis cannot be solved within the framework of the economic civilization.
Since no one wants to face the implications of this, the global technocratic elites waging the terror-lockdown assault which uses Covid as a pretext had the idea to include among their propaganda a substitution of “Covid”, which everyone (wrongly) believes can be controlled and suppressed by system institutions (just as they wrongly believe it needs special control), for the uncontrollable Earth.
In that way they hope to exorcise the demon of mass fear-itself over unsolvable resource limits and uncontrollable ecological blowback and collapse by redirecting this mass-psychological energy into belief in the Covid cult and enthusiastic faith in the governments and globalist entities struggling to preserve their power. It’s a call to throw away all uncertainty, doubt, rational thought and immerse oneself in the terminal mass know-nothingism.
Maskochism and hex spacing are designed to be constant day-to-day rituals reinforcing this brain-dead obedience and propitiatory mindset toward the intended new Dark Age. But the demon of superstition the technocrats are conjuring into a fully realized form will devour those very techno-priests among its first meals. As I sensed:
Scientism/technocracy has launched this plague of the mind, plague of the spirit, both the virus and the mental-spiritual virus, in a bid for total power. Like the German conservatives of 1933 they deliberately muster the monsters of mass derangement in the arrogant belief they can control it to their own advantage and the disadvantage of this force of nature. But the genie, the demon they’ve unleashed will end up consuming them once and for all.
The mask-faces are merely the first, most stupid exponents of the real monsterhood of superstition coming down the pike, now that mass insanity not only is on the agenda but is given a permanent mandate.

January 24, 2020


Filed under: American Revolution, Freedom, Peak Oil, Tower of Babel — Tags: , , — Russ @ 11:17 am


I’ve been writing this blog for near eleven years now. Have I made any progress? It seems not. My personal life never got any real benefit from it. More recently I’ve totally shipwrecked and the blog seems to mean nothing. Nor are my modest prayers for personal life being answered.
Has the rest of the world gotten any better? Not on the surface, though we might have some hope that the final collapse is accelerating.
Let’s start over from the point of view: The civilized have credited the inculcation of the ability to make promises, to take responsibilities beyond the self-indulgent whims of the moment, as a great civilizing step.
But in reality it’s a mistake to think responsibility is a trait unique or endemic to civilized people. On the contrary, primate ancestors and early hominids, on through to “savage” tribal groups and societies, all had tight group cohesion and responsibility of each for all and all for each. They embodied this as part of their natural character. If they hadn’t, group primates and hominids never could have survived to evolve into modern humans. Ironically, it’s only amid the breakdown of natural tribal cohesion that the conscious idea of contracts had to become a thing, and “taking responsibility” had to become a conscious shibboleth.
Meanwhile, modern capitalist-productionist-consumerist ideology and its religious reflections, “Prosperity Theology” and the New Age cult, through their explicit denigration of the very concept of promises and responsibilities, through their explicit proclamations that each individual hominid is a Randroid island that should do nothing but indulge its whims of the moment in the most narcissistic sociopathic way, are working to destroy civilization’s capacity for contracts, promises, responsibility. Since there is no longer any underlying natural-tribal basis for these human traits, what this means is these ideologies and religions comprise a movement to render humans feral and savage in the worst sense of the term.
When Hobbes wrote that life in what he called the “state of nature” is “nasty, brutish, and short”, he wrote it as nothing more than myth. Hobbes never thought his state of nature really had existed anywhere. On the contrary, he considered this the state of civilized, tamed man where men are not kept brutally in line.
Hobbes took the modern “civilized” individual, one domesticated into fear and mercenary greed, or indoctrinated into liberal individualist ideology, and pictured this monster in the absence of the overawing state power. He envisioned how nasty and brutish such persons would be under those circumstances. Then he fraudulently called this the state of nature. But in fact such an atomized, distorted hominid has nothing in common with an organic human being living within a natural society. This fraud is at the core of the bogus “competition” ideology which is 100% artificial and requires massive propaganda, bribery, threats, fear and violence in order for it to make any headway against our natural humanity. In nature, organic human beings are cooperative.
Nietzsche composed a similar civilization myth in his Toward A Genealogy of Morals, Essay Two.
According to Nietzsche, humans first came to see themselves as social beings with social responsibilities through evolving a “memory of the will” and the capacity to make a promise. This had to overcome our innate faculty of active forgetting which is necessary for sifting the dross of sensation and thought. It rendered us “calculable, regular, necessary”.
How did man become calculable and necessary in his actions? According to Nietzsche it was only through the long process of what he called the morality of mores:
..the labor performed by man upon himself during the greater part of the existence of the human race, his entire prehistoric labor, finds in this its meaning, its great justification, notwithstanding the severity, tyranny, stupidity, and idiocy involved in it: with the aid of the morality of mores and the social straitjacket, man was actually made calculable.
This morality of mores is the primal world view centered on mystery, ritual, taboo, fierce adherence to the traditions or else the rains won’t come. It’s the time of obsession with an inscrutable supernatural, and the stark cause and effect reasoning which knows that only strict fealty to the rituals can appease the terrible forces of fate. Groups assume this first out of hope and desperation and later, as power grows, out of assertion and the feeling of power.
For thousands of years groups judged according to supernatural and ritualistic causes and effects, and the rituals were designed to render the effects calculable and necessary. In the process the human psyche was melted and hammered and bent and distorted until it took shape.
In a dialectical gyre the rituals tightened tribal cohesion and empowered tribal, ritual promising. These promises bolstered the individual sense of communal responsibility, first instinctual and then conscious, and made members more firm and reliable in their ritual promises.
Arising in prehistory from the primal ecology and later to pull itself upward from the post-industrial chaos of a collapsed mass, the free-as-a-bird individual becoming a reliable maker of promises represents the potential for a new communal coherence. To realize this social coherence, movement integrity is then the presupposition for individual integrity. That’s what Nietzsche wrongly thought happened before, when in reality Gaia was the craftswoman of this primal capacity.
But what if humanity staggers through the self-destruction and collective suicide of the modern economic civilization and then attempts to build new societies upon some remnant? At least in the short run, there seems no prospect that Gaia shall show the way. Rather, people will cling to whatever they recall of the devastation and try to reprise it. Perverse as people are, there seems to be no other way.
All we see today from political and media and intellectual Leaders is the call for slave conformity. The great revolutionary promise of the sovereign individual was supposed to be that freedom would transcend itself, that autonomous individuals, precisely because they so cherished this great gift of sovereignty, would assume the highest social responsibilities, since only this could preserve and augment the aggregate freedom. The public freedom, the highest form of politics, would be the consummation of the human condition.
What went wrong? Concentrated wealth, especially the concentrations afforded by fossil fuels, machine technology and the capitalist mode of organization allowed the slave mentality (enslaved to materialism, greed, power-lust) to hijack autonomy and debase it to sociopathy. Freedom degenerated to promiscuity. Liberty became license and the “right” to be a private vandal. Public, positive freedom was rejected and overridden by the libertine primacy of private indulgence and crapulence. The citizens debased themselves to consumers. The idealists prostituted themselves to materialism. Every promise became a lie. Everyone came to believe religiously in the primacy of worthless material junk over living as human beings.
The decadent economic civilization has lost the ability, the will or right to promise; it has squandered it. There’s no legitimacy left, no authority. God is dead; religion, government, law, business, ideology, nationalism, tribalism, all are dead insofar as they pretend to exist within this anti-human framework. This framework has eroded everything beyond recognition, leaving just hideous cackling caricatures in a haunted house of mirrors now burning down even as everyone still staggers about inside, drunken and cackling and crying and screaming.
If we’re ever to be able to promise again, we need complete renewal, Renaissance, Return. This has to start with a new moral world, complete rebirth.
The economic civilization is hollowed out by its rot as the ground erodes and slides from under its supports. Its dollar and predator drone delusions prop it up for the moment. But everything is decaying. That’s the only exponential curve still steepening. That’s the only debt curve still arcing. Resource depletion, ecological collapse, the destruction of the exponential cancer economy and worldwide war and civil war shall be the secular and physical confirmations of the great spiritual event: The immolation of the modern atomized tribe on the pyre of its own burning altar upon which it stacked far too many sacrificial branches, the apex victim of its own lust for extermination.
What will it mean to start anew as reawakened tribes? We can’t foresee the new forms in detail. These will be extemporaneous, decided by the tempo of the flames and the motions of those running through them.
As we emerge, we’ll emerge with a new ritual, a new credo, a new way of living. We shall sing the song of the next circle of society and promise, debt and delight, responsibility and right, family and freedom, law and liberty.

January 8, 2020

US War Against Iran in the Dominion of Production


As I write there’s little but confusion on whether Iran launched a bona fide strike on a US base in Irak or whether this was a pantomime meant to let both sides save face and remain within the realm of fakeness. Contrary to Trump’s lies about US early warning systems, the US was tipped off ahead of time and was able to move its personnel and any important equipment. The question seems to be whether Iran informed only the Iraki prime minister who then treacherously tipped off the Americans, or whether Iran itself tipped off the Americans through the Swiss.
Especially if the latter, this only delays the inevitable reckoning with reality. That would be typical behavior of the berserker leadership, in spite of the reality of the psychological impacts on the masses of the Mideast and the West. Ultimately the biological force of the masses will force reality upon the nations, however much their berserker leadership classes dig ever deeper into their delusions.
(This fakeness has much in common with the climate-industrial movement and corporate environmentalism in general. These are committed to a fake pantomime of caring and action while always reassuring the economic civilization that it can continue the binge, that there is no reality beyond this binge being necessary, sustainable and desirable.)
This Potemkin exercise, if that’s what it was, looks unimpressive. It’s not remotely “proportional” to US crimes. The Iranian people and Shiites everywhere will take this as an insult unless the leadership assures them this is only the beginning.
In the meantime we’d be left where we started in the world of fakeness. This house of mirrors is the US home terrain, the fake world of dollars and Dominion mirages, Mammon and media. The system depends upon these mirrors for its entire position. The domineering dollar is only the beginning of it. Anyone who thinks they’re going to win by out-faking the arch-faker is likely to be disappointed.
The prospect that in the minds of the respective leaders this is Phony War doesn’t change the reality of the psychological whip-sawing the American masses must be undergoing, from day to day being summoned by the media to constant Two Minute Hates, then an actual beginning to war, then “All is well!” and a toning down of the alarmism, then more fatuous boasting from Trump, and then what next?
Regardless of what the berserkers at the helm think they’re doing, however fake or not the action and/or the spin on the action may be, the psychological effect on the masses is real. One thing the drivers definitely are doing is scorching all earth where any kind of sane mass psychology could try to build itself.
So whether or not the real war toward WWIII has just de jure commenced (and it may take some hours or days before that becomes clear), this is a milestone along the ongoing vector of mass insanity in the US and its poodles. The Australian conflagration is a similar milestone for that country. But for the full baptism in the flame of Earth chaos each region will need and get its own specific tribulation.
Meanwhile another effect which shall be real enough if it holds is the report that several global tanker operators have suspended traversing the Straits of Hormuz out of war fears. There’s reports of leaps in oil prices. Anything can cause a sudden shortage of the fossil blood of the civilization.
The media were for many hours at a loss for a strong or even coherent line because they’re so used to the US system “creating its own [fake-news] reality” that when something at least seemingly real and adverse actually happens they have no idea what to think or say. (In the same way, the Australian fireland is real for the Australians just as the increasing direfires are real for the regions, but remain abstract or entertainment or propaganda for most in the West.)
The Soleimani hit is real for the Iranians and Irakis but for the US has been another fake-propaganda opportunity. Only now has something happened that may become real for America, though for the moment it too is suspended in circusland.
They’ve all been waiting for the government to give them their cue, ironically waiting with bated breath for Trump to speak, the same Trump they’ve been demonizing and disparaging for three years. But it’s likely the berserker leadership are equally confused.
When Trump finally showed his wig he did nothing but repeat the same moronic bluster. At the moment things remain in suspense.
We temporarily have a lull, but this is only a brief postponement. We shall use the respite to place this in context of the oncology of the economic civilization, its core rampage. Productionism is supply-driven economic production for the sake of production, growth for the sake of growth. This essence of cancer is the core process of the economic civilization. The global economic action of this ant colony is biologically analogous to metastatic cancer at the cellular level. Individual drivers and cadres among the orcs should be seen metaphorically as virulent cancer cells.
Earth’s tumor needs to wage permanent war on both fronts: It must wrest the raw materials from the Earth at the expense of ecocide including the socioeconomic, cultural and often physical destruction of the peoples cursed to live above or amid these “resources”; it must dump the waste and consumer products on the Earth including on the masses who are subject to indoctrination, propaganda and coercion (economic, cultural, physical) in order to induce them to tolerate the destruction and waste of the production process and to “want” or “need” to receive these products.
At any time only a few kamikazes are at the control of the death machine, while the rank and file masses sprawling the surface of the globe, including most governments, are the more or less conscripted followers whose opinions on the matter mean nothing since they’re given no choice but to follow. These are the secondary berserkers.
Iran maneuvers and perhaps takes action on behalf of the secondary berserkers, those conscripted into energy colonialism as raw material production zones, as ecological and religious sacrifice zones of destruction, as dumping grounds for toxic waste and other consumer products. The war being waged by the US and its lackeys is to suppress the escalated protest of the world against the primary berserkers, those driving the whole death machine, led by the US corporate state.
Both groups are kamikazes, both are addicts on the supply side – they’ve submitted their economies to it; even most of the geographical US is a resource colony – and on the demand/consumption side – this also is economic as well as cultural-psychological dependency. But the secondaries including the 99% among Western peoples have rising resentment, rising cognitive dissonance, rising tension between their fake-want-need and their real needs and wants, and how they resent being forced into addiction to fake needs, their rising sense of how this is forced upon them.

January 6, 2020

Keep Digging: Lithium and the Final Binge


When you’re in a hole, keep digging.
Keep digging physical holes in order to keep digging your spiritual hole, your psychological hole, your social hole, your economic and political hole, the hole in the bottom of your food basket, the hole in the bottom of your water cistern.
Industrial hole-digging is ecocidal. To endorse, support, perpetrate the criminal destruction inherent in mining for the sake of any “green” version of extreme energy generation as fraudulently promised for industrial wind or industrial solar or industrial salmon-massacring or nukes (all these are lies; all are ecocidal in themselves, all depend completely upon a foundation of fossil fuels), all for the sake of worthless, expensive, junk-lusting, purely wasteful and destructive extreme-energy mainlining “economic” cancer-lusting product, most obviously and religiously the “electric car”, all these products of the ecocidal-genocidal modern civilization, to be part of this is to perpetuate the health-destroying soul-killing Earth-killing binge for as long as the berserkers can. Gaia has had far too much patience with these orcs. But the day of reckoning is at hand.
“I guess we’ve moved to a greener foreign policy when lithium regime change is replacing petroleum regime change. Thank you green economy.”
(Some hyperbole there since fossil-driven regime change remains an imminent cause for war.)
The US-driven fascist coup in Bolivia is to a large extent about control of lithium, necessary for electric car batteries and other fake-green gadgets as well as computers, smart phones and similar electronic gadgets, rocket propellants, drugs, industrial lubricants, and many other industrial products. Most of all it’s batteries for the fracking/coal/nuke/dead salmon cars touted as the centerpiece of the Green New Deal which cause cancer/growth astrologers to forecast that if business as usual continues demand for lithium could double by 2025.
Thus the fascist coup in Bolivia and the current Rwanda-reminiscent drumbeat for genocide of the indigenous is the first such fascist project driven primarily by the green-capitalism program. Insofar as the US is now waging a resource war on the people and ecology of Bolivia, economically this war is driven by the green capitalist agenda. The blood of this genocide attempt won’t coat just the hands of neocons and corporations and “growth”-cancer-mongers, but drenches the Big Green movement.
The Morales government, while not a friend to the Earth or its indigenous peoples (by definition no civilized extractionist government can be), was at least willing to negotiate with the Indians and wanted to regulate the extraction. Many if not all Western Big Green groups will feel more at ease with the coup government.
For a long time in Latin America and around the world in Africa and southern Asia, Big Green has found the continued existence of traditional peoples every bit as annoying as the corporations and industry-friendly governments have. Read Survivor International for reporting on the ongoing campaign of greenwashing and cover-up for rape and murder being perpetrated by the WWF and others. For years James Hansen has had a second career going as a nuke shill, while almost without exception climate scientists reject their own science in order to sing the praises of green capitalism. (And of a Democratic Party which has zero intention of doing even the green-capitalist things these scientists want.)
Big Green is gung-ho to eradicate fragile desert ecologies to build solar electricity factories, to scalp hills and dredge tidal basins and massacre birds and bats for industrial wind electricity, to enslave rivers and murder riparian ecologies and exterminate salmon and whole food chains that depend on them for hydroelectricity, and even worse atrocities.
What does the green ecocide have in common with the conventional sort? It’s all about perpetuating industrial electricity generation at all costs. As George Bush said on behalf of the entire mainstream environmental movement, “the American way of life is non-negotiable.” The American way of life: Extreme energy generation, extreme production, extreme consumption, extreme ecocide, all for no purpose whatsoever. The death march simply must continue, as the core fundamentalism of the economic civilization.
Bush speaks again for all if we paraphrase what he said in another context: The right way to deal with the climate crisis, and the general ecological crisis, is to Keep Shopping. (And of course Keep Driving.) The former Sierra Club national director who became Walmart’s chief Sustainability Flack couldn’t have said it better.
This isn’t the first coup where lithium is part of the desired loot. The US empire targeted Afghanistan for invasion long before 9/11 gave it the pretext it awaited. Along with other rare metals, including some necessary for solar panels and industrial windmills, Afghanistan has large lithium deposits.
All this is typical Big Green ecocide, typical of the Judenrate-type role of the corporate environmental front groups with their “collaboration” programs designed to help corporations and governments “manage” the demolition of the Earth, typical of the mainstream productionist climate-industrial movement which never misses a chance to explicitly say that their goal isn’t to save the Earth but the economy, capitalism, systemic cancer aka “economic growth”, typical of all the propaganda campaigns launched and profitable products touted by this movement. Especially the fracking car, which lets them be “green” while pandering to the Car-worship of themselves and the rest of Dominion society.
The “green capitalist” mode of de facto climate denial is gaining momentum because a faction among the capitalists sees the writing on the wall for fossil fuels. Some might see all the way to the final collapse. But with a good propaganda campaign, assisted by a new wave of popular excitement drummed up by NGO astroturfs like XR and the Greta Show, they see how they might be able to grab one last bonanza of government subsidies for green capitalism, a Green New Deal, before the lights go out for good. The fact that this last green blitz will be horrifically ecocidal in itself while emissions continue to rise and to escalate their rate of rise means nothing to them.
(This faction, so fixated on electric cars as the linchpin of their fantasized post-fossil Green Civilization, joins hands with the neocons in the geopolitical concern that China, already the world leader in manufacture of lithium batteries, was gaining too much influence in Bolivia. This was a major reason for the coup.)
As for the mainstream climate-industrial movement, they “believe in” climate change, they have “right thinking”, but they all take it for granted that green capitalism will solve everything and let the binge continue.
Ironically the green capitalists, green cancer-mongers (i.e. green apostles of “growth”), Green New Deal carnival-barkers are setting themselves up to take the brunt of the blame when the climate catastrophes really get rolling and the time for the great political-spiritual reckoning comes. And they’ll have only themselves to blame, since they’re the ones who are sounding the alarm about climate change but refusing to tell the truth about it: It cannot be “solved” within the framework of the economic civilization. Either by deliberate radical degrowth (which this civilization will never do) or by earthly force this civilization has to go. But they’re the ones insisting most stridently, “Climate change is a great crisis, but follow us and do what we say and you can have it all!”
Therefore they’re going to take the most blame for having been both the messengers with bad news (the groupthink always wants to blame such messengers when the bad news turns out to be true) and the purveyors of false “solutions” which will bring only new disasters ecological, socioeconomic and cultural.
There is one and only one set of three actions which can avert the worst of the climate crisis if done in time. If not, and civilization certainly will not do them, then Earth’s kinesis will do its worst as it imposes all three by force. These three actions are:
End all industrial emissions; stop destroying carbon sinks; let all natural sinks resume their natural ranges.
Anything else is a lie.

February 4, 2019

Resource Curse


The Dominion Civilization’s vision for all Earth.

Civilized hominids curse themselves and the Earth whole with their Dominionist tenet of commodity “resources” and assembly-line practice of extracting them, systematically turning vibrance to stasis, life to death.
At this late existential stage of the religious-economic and ecological crisis, a sane government which really wanted the best for the people would launch a crash program to break free of fossil fuel dependency. This is especially true for oil and gas producers like Venezuela, whose dependency on oil exports guarantees they remain at best a US-colonized power, all the while requiring the physical destruction of their own land and the biological basis of their future life.
If a nation has committed itself to:
(1) A de facto colonized extraction-based economy (which also involves physically destroying your own country as profoundly as if from an external military attack);
(2) Which is at the mercy of a global commodity system;
(3) Which is controlled by vastly more powerful forces which are aggressive, militarist bullies under the best of circumstances and are irrationally hostile toward that nation in particular;
Then I don’t see any way to exist other than at the mercy of such hostile forces. I don’t know what possible way out Venezuela has within the framework of the globalized extreme energy civilization.
I’m not just saying this about Venezuela, although its destruction of the Orinoco rain forest which sustains all of our physical lives in order to extract heavy oil is perhaps the most extreme example on Earth of the self-destroying paradigm. The Bolivarians have continued erecting their oil sands necropolis, the rest of their cities being voluntary tributaries of it.
But the same is true of all colonized extraction zones and the people who inhabit them, up to and including America’s death zones of fracking, mountaintop removal coal mining, and the destruction swathes driven by pipelines.
Any country afflicted with the oil curse ought to treat the deposits like very hot radioactive waste and enforce at all costs a Chernobyl-type no-go zone. This also would conserve critical ecologies like the Amazon. If enough places did this simultaneously it would prevent the US from “opening them up” by force and accelerate the collapse of the empire and its globalization system. But any place which doesn’t do this automatically becomes a de facto colony and a target for US aggression intended to turn them into a de jure colony, as we see in Venezuela’s case.
From the evidence it seems that in the end an ideology like Bolivarianism isn’t offering any real alternative to the US paradigm. Both equally want to burn every last fossil BTU’s worth, pump every last Earth-heating CO2 molecule, hack down and burn every last acre of forest. Both are on the same mass murder-suicide ride.
Do the Venezulean people really want no better life than this? The American people sure seem to want the worst, for themselves and everyone else.

January 20, 2019

The Bliss of the Knife


Gaia’s greatest beauty, our ancestral home, our only hope going forward

The judge speaks: “Why did this criminal murder? He wanted to rob.” But I say: His soul wanted blood, not robbery. He thirsted after the bliss of the knife.
His poor reason, however, did not comprehend this madness. It persuaded him: “What matters blood? Don’t you want at least to commit robbery with it? To take revenge?” And he listened to his poor reason; it lay upon him like lead. So he robbed when he murdered. He did not want to be ashamed of his madness.
What is this man? A heap of diseases which through his spirit reach out to the world: There they want to catch their prey.
What is this man? A ball of wild snakes which never enjoy rest from one another: So they go forth singly and seek prey in the world.
Look at this poor body. What it suffered and coveted this poor soul interpreted for itself: Murderous lust and greed for the bliss of the knife.
– Nietzsche, “On the Pale Criminal” from Also Sprach Zarathustra, Part One
Do the destroyers of the Earth do it for energy and profit? Fracking has bad fundamentals and no long-term future but leaves behind everywhere a toxic desert and wrecked communities. Yet the elite consensus exalts it and the people tolerate it. It seems that energy and profit aren’t the real collective reasons civilization is fracking to death its own basis for life, fracking to death the water, air, soil, the all-comprehending environment.
Since there’s no rational or practical basis for turning much of America and Europe and the rest of the globe into fracking death zones, since even by their own productionist measures they could instead subsidize alternatives which are more effective and less destructive, we’re left with the conclusion that the real purpose of the fracking onslaught is destruction for the sake of destruction. They do it for the bliss of the knife.
And the economic civilization as a whole, “growth” aka cancer, and the science cult, historically are grounded in the Christian dominion theology, Man vs. Nature, the reclamation of Earth from the wilderness of Satan (and before that the long, bitter Hebrew monotheist struggle against the Canaanite Asherah cult), destruction for the sake of destruction, waste for the sake of waste, ecocide for the sake of ecocide. It wants the bliss of the knife.
Then there’s the faction which explicitly denigrates profit (sometimes), and even (sometimes) suggests using less energy: The mainstream environmentalists, leftists, etc. They say they don’t want profit, don’t want maximal extreme energy – so why can’t they relinquish the productionist civilization itself? Why must they too cling to the campaigns of destruction, for industrial fake-“renewable” energy, the continued crippling and enslavement of rivers for energy, proposed monkeying with the already dying oceans for energy? They too want the bliss of the knife.
Perhaps this doesn’t sum up each individual murderer. But we know productionism, consumerism, capitalism, the modern civilization itself is a suicidal-homicidal failure. We know it makes no one happier, healthier, more free, that on the contrary it harms all of these. We know all the economic civilization’s propaganda is nothing but trickle-down lies. But when we look at how far this civilization has gone, how we know it’s all a failure, yet how the collective anthill, leadership and mass, continues the destruction, escalates it, accelerates it, even as the propaganda increasingly hijacks the name of the environment, the climate, the Earth: When we look at the unrelenting action of destruction and the sadistic mockery which accompanies it, we can see nothing but the bliss of the knife, if we’re honest with ourselves.
The destroyers continue out of nothing but hatred of the living Earth, hatred of the truth that human beings once lived happy and free amid the Earth, hatred of the prospect that human beings will ever again live free and happy, the way so many did before being “put to work”, before “civilization”. This hatred drives them to hack with the knife.
And this is the hatred which above all drives silvicide, tree-hatred, the bliss of the chainsaw. From the wholesale destruction of natural forests for the sake of vast industrial monoculture farming of agricultural crops and plantation trees for pulp and “biomass”, down to the individual suburban squatter who pointlessly and mindlessly murders the trees on “his property”, we see a civilization deranged with homicidally insane hatred of trees. Here most of all there’s no rationale, only pointless destruction. We depend for our very lives on the forests, the primary conjurers of rain and primary sinkers of carbon. Civilization destroys the forests in order to generate desert – in the Mideast, in the Sahara, in the Harrapan and spreading through southern Asia, spreading across South America and soon to engulf the entire Amazon, spreading across North America soon to bring the ultimate dust bowl. The campaign of civilization to destroy forest and replace it with desert has been ongoing for thousands of years. Modern civilization strives to complete the desertification of the globe once and for all. That’s the core globalization campaign, in tandem with suffusion of the whole Earth with industrial poisons and heating the climate beyond complex life’s endurance.
These three campaigns of civilization – desert, poison, global heating and climate chaos – go together and reinforce one another, and the pivot point is the destruction of the trees.
The nominal purposes of deforestation are to open more space for industrial agriculture, so that it can slather more poison; and directly to log the trees to generate industrial commodities. The real bliss is to end the rains, release the carbon, parch the soil, heat the air, bring the desert. Assorted geeks of the climate-industrial complex pretend to care about the heating. Under this propaganda gambit they push for the accelerated destruction of the forests and the acceleration of the climate crisis by touting another industrial commodity, wood pellets for biomass and biofuels. The lies about “biomass” are absurd and long debunked: Destroying natural forests is always a massive carbon hemorrhage, bringer of aridity, and eradication of biodiversity, while monoculture tree plantations are never carbon sinks and only contribute to drought and mass extinction, as they provide almost no wildlife habitat. They’re a pure loss and pure destruction. But tree plantations have everything in common with grain and soybean plantations: They wipe out the natural forest ecology and replace it with a dead zone, they provide the pretext for the massive slathering of poisons which suffuse the entire environment, they destroy the most capacious sinks and spew massive amounts of carbon into the air, and they dry out the air, dry out the land, bring the desert.
With the biomass scam all the political factions, the whole “political spectrum” joins hands to exalt big logging and big coal, and does it in the name of “the climate”. Arbeit Macht Frei. Such vileness, such sadistic glee in destroying while smiling and saying, “This is because I love you Mother Earth”, is not the act of regular greed. It’s the act of a psychopath caressing his knife. Or in this case his chainsaw.
We owe everything to the trees. The forest is our ancestral home, it spawned us, it sculpted us. That’s why so many have never forgiven the trees. It’s the same hatred of origins, the same hatred of history, which infuses all modern ideology and religion. It’s the same hatred of the physical Earth, the same hatred of biology, the same hatred of our bodies, the hatred of sex, the hatred of the fact that we have to breathe and drink and eat, which infuses the technocratic onslaught, its totalitarian drive to eradicate all of nature and replace it with artificial control. Deforestation and regimented tree plantations are one stage of the destruction and replacement of Gaia with a desert. The same is true of industrial agriculture. Genetically engineered trees are intended to escalate and accelerate this destruction and replacement, just as commodity crop GMOs have accelerated agricultural destruction and desertification, just as they have begun to replace true food.
There’s all kinds of superficial power and profit goals here, and elite motives seem manifold. But the collective mass, even as it feels ambivalence, even where it feels revulsion and an ancient imperative to fight or flee, numbly follows where told. The geeks who turn out to “vote” in fake elections invariably vote for the same destruction they fear and deplore. This is a collective inertia, not so much an anthill as army ants on the march. To find the deeper reason we can look at the scientism-technocracy cult for whom modern ecocide-genocide is a religion. They’re the tip of the iceberg, the glaring neon sign fronting the dive, the glint off the blade of the knife.
“What matters blood? Don’t you want at least to commit robbery with it? To take revenge? And he listened to his poor reason; it lay upon him like lead.”
The revenge campaign as well as the global plunder expedition are part of the vandal berserking. The myths of parricide have haunted our collective unconscious for thousands of years. Now the modern civilization plays out the final act of the infinitely greater crime of matricide, the attempt to murder our Earth Mother Gaia, the core of the future’s myth through which it will try to make sense of this infinite insanity, this infinite blood-lust, this infinite bliss of the knife.

July 30, 2018

We Need Renewable Ideas, Not Stale Ones About “Renewables”


They may say I look like Don Quixote, but they’re the ones charging a mirage.

Industrial renewables are unsustainable because of their dependency on a foundation of cheap plentiful fossil fuels: Especially, they and the industrial economy they’re supposed to rescue would continue to be completely dependent upon fossil fuels for transportation. Industrial renewables also are bound up in ecological destruction: The destruction of arid ecosystems for CSP monocultures, the murder of rivers for hydroelectric, the straight extractionist rape from the metals mining it requires. And of course the wholesale massacre of birds by industrial windmills. It takes a special kind of depravity to call this “environmentalism”, and only today’s corporate environmentalists could reach such a level of depravity.
The main evil of the propaganda of a large-scale industrial renewables buildout is that it’s supposed to replace fossil fuels in powering what would otherwise be the same corporate globalization regime. This is no improvement. Centralization itself, gigantism itself, is at the core of the crisis. No one who would want a high-consumption grid based on CSP and industrial wind mega-farms would care about replacing fossil fuels anyway; they’d only want to supplement them. If the paramount imperative is to feed the monstrous consumption maw (and for the advocates of the industrial civilization this is the only imperative), then the climate crisis and all other environmental crises can’t have any importance at all, other than as propaganda gambits on behalf of further escalated destruction. On the contrary, if averting the worst of the crises was any kind of goal, then the goal of maximizing energy production automatically would be downgraded severely.
What’s most promising about renewables is their decentralized, non-grid potential to contribute to a decent life for human beings, such as the great potential of passive solar heating. Just as with agroecology, here we can provide warmth and comfort and sufficient electricity for family and community use, as opposed to the productionist mindset which only wants massive corporate-controlled electricity generation for its own sake. It’s the same as how growing food for human beings is vastly more productive and healthy in every way than producing agricultural commodities from which food is then supposed to trickle down as an afterthought. It’s true that acre for acre agroecology is far more productive in every way – calories, nutrition, biodiversity, every other ecological function – than industrial monoculture, whereas decentralized renewables would produce less gross energy quantity than any kind of industrial generation. But the better quality of life provided by a decentralized ecological society would more than make up for that.
Anyway, industrial-scale renewables never could be self-sustaining rather than dependent upon a fossil fuel foundation. Therefore the whole quantity-vs.-quality debate is moot since the quantity couldn’t be sustained anyway.
All this must be placed in the context of humanity’s great need to abolish the onslaught of industrial poisons. This is a more immediate and dire threat even than climate change, as pressing as that’s becoming. (But these two crises are completely intertwined and cannot be separated. What drives one drives the other, and the only solution for one is the only solution for the other.) Many of those who tout industrial renewables want to use this to prop up poison-based agriculture. Obviously it won’t be possible really to do that once the necessary cheap, plentiful fossil fuels aren’t available. But the idea itself is pernicious since it’s part of the “delayer” form of denialism, the de facto denialism of the climate crocodiles shedding their usual crocodile tears.
That too is a reason to reject any version of the call for productionist Business As Usual, including the version which would have it all powered by industrial renewables. Such a program, if it were possible and actually carried out, would continue destroying the Earth and would continue to drive the climate crisis since it would continue destroying the forests, grasslands, and soil.
No aspect of the modern technocratic-corporate system is redeemable. Productionism, capitalism in itself is the most evil of all ideologies and systematically maximizes all other evils because it can’t use or tolerate anything that’s good in people or the Earth, only the bad, destructive, and wasteful.
We must reject concepts of absolute production and consumption, but rather think and speak only in terms of what’s sufficient and desirable. This includes the social/community element. All the worthless high-maintenance material junk which has been available to the Western rich and middle classes and their apes around the world have not made them psychologically secure, content, happy. On the contrary, it’s evident how unhappy, insecure, insane and deranged the “modern” human type has become.
Conversely, and as a corollary, people still close to an indigenous or national way of life, or who faithfully seek such a life, don’t need more “stuff”. We can benefit from modern agroecological science (which is knowledge, not imported junk like commodified seeds and poisons) and some of the medical knowledge (there too, it’s basic knowledge and low-tech practice which helps most, not modern high-maintenance technology; the fact is that most of the modern medical gains were achieved by things like better sanitation, while hi-tech modern medical science has had a much smaller and diminishing-returns role, and in any event is increasingly impossible financially for most people even in the West). Agroecology is not a revelation to people still close to the Earth, but builds upon and modifies traditional knowledge.
For the physical reasons of Peak Oil, the climate crisis and the many other environmental crises, driven by the socioeconomic and spiritual evils of productionism and corporate capitalism, all our ideas about energy and technology must mean finding the level which is best for the most constructive and fulfilled human experience and interaction within the ecology, our only home. The workable political and economic level for the ecology is also the best level for human happiness and contentment, on an individual and community level. All the evidence says this level is low in terms of the physical technological sophistication and grossness, high in terms of knowledge. The best example is the extreme contrast of the technologically highly ramified, but intellectually and scientifically very stupid and retrograde poison agriculture regime, vs. the “low-tech” but intellectually highly advanced agroecological paradigm. The same is true for money and finance. The same is true for everything else. And the same is true for energy, where the low-hanging fruit of fully developing passive solar knowledge to provide adequate heating for home and community use, joined with the necessary social transformations, is far more promising than generating extreme amounts of electricity amid an ongoing consumer atomism while the civilization attempts to murder the Earth and commits suicide in the process.

June 29, 2018

Labor Leisure Grinder Addict


They still say “labor-saving” rather than job-destroying though that’s what they mean.
This propaganda term goes back to the early days of automation. If an assembly line can produce in one minute a widget which used to take one hour to produce, that frees up 59 minutes for human beings to enjoy leisure, hobbies, intellectual and artistic pursuits, being together with loved ones.
That was the lie.
In reality, the assembly line was used to over-produce 60 commodity widgets, and/or the factory would fire 59 out of 60 workers. No one but the factory owner ever gained anything from that 59 minutes of “labor saved”. It’s probably the worst criminal lie and robbery in the history, when you think of the possibilities, now lost as fossil fuels deplete, that were stolen. (Industrial communism told the exact same lie, except there it’s a Party nabob instead of a factory owner or big shareholder doing the stealing.)
But we must admit, Western humanity didn’t have to be dragged kicking and screaming into this. They wanted the worthless expensive junk overproduced by modern productionism. As a rule Western workers and middle classes always have chosen the enslavement of grinderism and junk over leisure, over simply enjoying life.
This is strong evidence that modern humanity, having been wrenched forcibly from all ecological and human foundations, simply does not like life, maybe even has a death wish. (So far, for all the insensate killing of one human by another, this death wish has been expressed most intensely through civilization’s homicidal and vandalistic mania against every part of the Earth, inanimate and especially animate.)
We have no problem diagnosing the death wish of an incorrigible heroin addict. But how is modern society, or the average conformist inhabitant thereof, any different?
And what is the answer? If we’re correct that the restlessness and anguish are rooted in the uprooting, then the answer is to return to the Earth, return home. Humanity has no choice anyway: Homo domesticus has extracted and ravaged and wasted and destroyed all that could be used to build anything; and all that’s been built on this desert of skulls, the walls and towers and arenas and brothels, all must come crashing down.
The question is whether any remnant of the original nations will reassemble on the land of our own free will, growing a basis for a post-kinesis human community, or will there be nothing but atomized hominids confounded in the destruction, leaving nothing but feral beasts incapable of growing anything.
Certainly the addicts are determined to see the destruction through to the bitter end. They’re already hunkered in the bunker. Does anyone want to live and die in the sunlight?

June 12, 2018

Slavery is the Essence of Civilization

Filed under: Freedom, Peak Oil — Russ @ 1:40 am


“The institution of Slavery is a principal cause of civilization. Perhaps nothing can be more evident than that it is the sole cause. If anything can be predicated as universally true of uncultivated man, it is that he will not labor beyond what is absolutely necessary to maintain his existence. Labor is pain to those who are unaccustomed to it, and the nature of man is averse to pain. Even with all the training, the helps and motives of civilization, we find that this aversion cannot be overcome in many individuals of the most cultivated societies. The coercion of Slavery alone is adequate to form man to habits of labor. Without it, there can be no accumulation of property, no providence for the future, no taste for comforts or elegancies, which are the characteristics and essentials of civilization. He who has obtained the command of another’s labor, first begins to accumulate and provide for the future, and the foundations of civilization are laid…Since the existence of man upon the earth, with no exception whatever, either of ancient or modern times, every society which has attained civilization has advanced to it through this process.”
– Pro-slavery ideologue William Harper, 1837. (H/T Derrick Jensen’s Endgame p. 107)
All too true. Which side are you on? You have to choose.
This describes well the rise and sustenance of civilization. And what about the barbarism of modern civilization’s decline?
As fossil fuels, the ghost slaves of modernity as William Catton called them, upon which all of modern civilization is completely dependent; as fossil fuels become simply unavailable, do you really think the elites won’t try to prop up whatever they can of their zombie lifestyles and power by restoring institutional slavery? Do you really think their sense of entitlement and will to violence will stop short of that?
I presented here a description of what the system will try to enforce. Read it and know what’s in store, if we let it happen.
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