
March 30, 2021

Where it Comes From and Where it Goes


There’s an herbalist and self-identified green witch of my acquaintance who makes a living in large part from teaching courses, training apprentices and hosting workshops. Of course she almost always does this in person. Like all effective teaching, the physical presence of the teacher and often one’s fellow students is an important part of the experience.
Her teaching about herbal medicine always is leavened with some spiritual content, and in some of her courses the spirituality and magical element is primary while the herbs are tools for the magic.
She’s the only practitioner of such arts I know personally but I’ve come across many others online.
I suppose few reading this will be surprised that her public course offerings now are online only.
Here we’re not talking about normal social life, normal community participation, nor gathering for overt secular political action. Here we have a spiritualist and teacher who claims to be attuned to spiritual forces and to practice magic.
So what does it mean to make these claims but make them only within the TV-approved official Covidian framework? If your spiritual faith and magic can’t even stave off a psychological pandemic and save you from participation in a mass insanity, what good are you? What good is your spirit and magic?
Is the answer that we don’t have faith in the Covidian cult but right now we have no choice but to lay low? (I don’t know what my acquaintance thinks on a personal level and haven’t asked.)
We’re not yet forced into the catacombs, but unless we want that to happen then NOW is the time for open aboveground public defiance and determination to live normal lives, to live as intact Whole human beings who refuse to be terrorized and coerced by the most stupid fears driven under the most fraudulent pretenses by the most malign motives.
(Here I define “normal” simply as not-Covidian. Of course anyone who’s read at this site for longer than a year knows there’s lots else I call abnormal, but for now we’ll stick with Covidian vs. normal and human as being non-Covidian.)
Otherwise we will be driven under.
I don’t know what my acquaintance thinks of the whole thing. I have some reason to think she’s personally skeptical, but that’s not affecting her conformity in action. I use her as the example in this writing because as an herbalist and witch she’s part of the pre-2020 “alternative” movement. As we know, almost everyone who previously identified themselves in opposition to the system in one or more ways then flipped completely to the most abject and authoritarian system obedience, the moment the TV shrieked that the sky was falling.
Far more powerful are the system institutions which also now have betrayed completely the ideals they’d already been honoring mostly in the breach for a long time. Thus, now that the devil has fully unveiled in temporal reality what the prophet envisioned in Revelation 13, all the establishment churches I know of, as well as almost all independent churches, have consummated their long-running technocratic idolatry and gone over completely to worship Satan.
So far as I know the parallel is true for other world religions. Only some Orthodox Jews flout the Covidian superstitious daily rituals. (But according to what I read they too are flocking to get the gene-altering injection.)
At the moment there seems to be a void and vacuum where the profession and practice of any kind of religion or spirit should be. The abomination of desolation truly is standing as nothingness amid the temple. We knew already that mainstream religion is offering no alternative to the Covidian beast. In this writing I gave one example of how a formerly alternative practitioner and teacher also has brought herself in line with the abomination’s decree. Online I’ve seen far worse, “pagans” turned Covidian propagandists and aspiring lynch-mobbers. At least my acquaintance isn’t an active propagandist, but an implicit conformist.
Perhaps she’s doing more of her normal teaching and practicing underground and doesn’t mention it in her public newsletter? And perhaps there’s already lots of this which by its nature we don’t hear about in public, online etc.
This probably is already true, and maybe it will turn out temporarily to be the only way to function as humans.
But I still think there’s an opportunity for public rejection, flouting and resistance to hinder and halt this onslaught before it gets much worse.
This can happen only if more people join the public demonstrations already happening, and especially if far more people simply insist on living normal lives undefiled and unhindered by the lunacy, stupidity and wickedness of the Covidian cult and regime.
By myself I can only write and in a small, person-to-person way speak, but where I am the opportunities even for conversations are few. These days I think often where I can go if I have to become a refugee, and more affirmative and pivotal, where I can go where there are still intact, Whole, free human beings. Another state, even another country.
In the meantime I’ll do the best I can here. I urge anyone who still believes in humanity and the Earth, who still believes in anything other than this evil cult of the total death of everything but itself, will do the same.

March 27, 2021



Intact, Whole human beings who still persist are speaking and writing the journal of the plague year, the cultural-spiritual-biological plague now afflicting the entire modern economic civilization.
When we call this a biological plague we’re not talking about a virus. It evokes the pandemic of decadent, maladaptive mindset and actions which deny evolution, deny ecological reality and run so counter to even the most basic will to survive in the sense of Darwinian adaptation as to add up to a biological crisis for the species.
Those who surrender to embrace the Covidian cult; those who persist in thinking these governments and political parties legitimate; those who continue to exalt scientism and technocracy; those who want to double down on the wholesale poisoning of Earth and all life; those who embrace the extreme assault on public and individual health which the lockdowns represent; those who submit and support the massive forcible campaign to inject all human bodies with gene-altering agents toward totalitarian control and the eugenic, dysgenic, transhumanist goals of the globalist elites; those who support or tolerate the atrocities of every kind of ideologically motivated medical and surgical experimentation; the masses that have become so decadent, so maladaptive, so collectively ecocidal, genocidal and suicidal; as a whole these Covidian masses comprise the most dire existential crisis the very species ever has confronted.
The cult mob, in its astroturfed threefold form of mass-insane terror over a phantom, the mass-insane drive to alter their very bodies on command, and the mass-insane witch-hunting epidemic based on “woke”-racist identity politcs, has embarked upon a scorched earth rampage whose goal is the literal extinction of humanity itself.
The mania for self-mutilation and genetic alteration is the mirror image of the Great Fear of a virus doing the alteration on its own. The call is to kill yourself before someone else kills you, let the government kill you before the virus can, burn down your village in order to save it. This is the one and only logic of the whole thing.
The logical next step is World War Three, probably nuclear war. The US government is trying to trigger it in the Ukraine as we speak. If they fail there they’ll try again somewhere else. And if all else fails they’ll launch the first strike themselves.
The Covidian elites believe they can survive and thrive amid this world of transhuman Alteration, violent chaos and extreme insanity they have generated. They’re not just the profiteers but the lead exemplars of it.
Whether the human species can survive depends upon whether intact Whole humans can find our way to break free of prior mental and psychological entanglements in the same way the mass cult has, with the all-transcending difference that where the cult has broken with the entire thread of human history and human nature itself, we must break with all the modern preparations for the cult action, all the modernist, globalist, technocratic, mass-political trappings that made any of this possible, and find ourselves again at a level more humble, more modest, more repentant, more sane, more human.
I can’t yet perceive clearly what affirmative forms this Whole human renewal may take, but the first step certainly is to resist the Alteration of humanity, resist the Cancellation of humanity, by finding one another in real life, where necessary migrating to do so, and supporting one another through these ordeal fires of a civilization already everywhere in spiritual flames, where the physical flames soon will be spreading.

March 25, 2021

The Intact Against the Cult (with notes on public protest)


A reformist within the Covidian framework, Jonathan Cook writes about how one effect of the Covidian onslaught has been to suppress the rising wave of anti-globalist protest, though he seems to understand neither what these protests were about nor the fact that suppressing them has been one of the intended goals of the police state escalation using “Covid” as a pretext.
(He also omits the remarkable fact of Covid’s alleged political leanings.
Apparently the virus supports the Antifa/BLM agenda and is a registered Democrat, and therefore refrained from being contagious among those gatherings even though it is highly contagious among any other kind of political gathering as well as non-political gatherings.
At least that’s what the US government and media claim.)
As lukewarm reformists are prone to do, he indulges in splitter rhetoric:
“Those warnings soon got submerged in, or drowned out by, much wilder claims, such as that the virus was a hoax or that it was similar to flu, or by the libertarian clamour against lockdowns and mask-wearing.”
1. These warnings haven’t been submerged at all, except in the usual way that any and all deviation from the Covidian cult dogma on the part of still-intact human beings has been censored and suppressed. The warnings about the mortal threat to freedom of assembly as such, let alone political protest often are aired and discussed at Off-Guardian, for example, to the point that such discussions are now infested with demoralization trolls trying to denigrate the very idea of public protest as worthless, police-provoked etc.
2. It’s not proven that “Covid” exists as a new thing and isn’t really a compilation of (1) a new strain of influenza especially dangerous to the aged who already are sick (this would explain the otherwise inexplicable phenomenon of the flu, “by coincidence”, going on vacation starting early 2020), (2) all the excess deaths from cancer, heart disease, respiratory illness etc. caused by the abdication of the health care establishment in compliance with the “Covid” panic itself, and (3) all the many other excess suicides, homicides, drug overdoses and other deaths of despair caused by the lockdowns themselves. These three cohorts are combined and rebranded for propaganda purposes.
3. It’s an indisputable fact that Covid, if it does exist and functions exactly as the party line claims, has a lethality well within the historical range of the flu and is dangerous only to the aged who already are sick. According to the party line itself almost all Covid deaths are indistinguishable from dying of old age.
4. Lockdowns and maskochism both go against all the science which the writer wrings his hands so much about.
5. As for the “clamor” against these, which our author evidently considers far too “noisy”, I’m confused – if the “legitimate” and not-clamorous yet still noisy protests which our author does support aren’t to be protests against lockdowns and coerced atavistic superstitions like maskochism, then what exactly ARE these protests supposed to be protesting against?
Evidently Cook wants there to be protest for the sake of protest but no actual content for such protest.
Actually, I would agree that under these circumstances, for a large number of people merely to assemble in public without face diapers or hex spacing would in itself constitute a powerful exemplary demonstration even without an explicit verbal message. But I don’t think that’s what Cook’s getting at.
6. The likes of our author feel the need to make so many wrongheaded concessions and take jabs at truths which are too noisy for his ears because he’s appeasement-minded and wants to look “reasonable” to the unreasonable insane mass.
But this is stupid. One should know by now you can’t appease those who are insane and aggressive, let alone those who with cold deliberation are out to get you.
According to the party line itself almost all Covid deaths are indistinguishable from dying of old age.
This may be the core of the bottom-up aspect of the mass insanity, why the Western masses have joined this astroturfed death cult with such enthusiasm and persistence: As they reach old age Western baby boomers have been coming face to face with the specter of dying of old age.
True to form this most selfish and self-indulgent group in all of history refuses to accept this in a healthy way as a natural fact of life, but instead is throwing a tantrum about it even as they remain in a state of radical denial.
For the mass of cult believers, “Covid” is a mass psychological ploy to transform inescapable reality into a fake reality and a fake boogeyman from which we can escape by using the violence of lockdowns, cult ritual (masks and spacing), and mass injections in order to defeat this boogeyman.
The mass cult is a mass psychological escape from the fear of death. The fact that their rituals comprise a pantomime of death – regarding the physical bodies of others, and by implication their own, as vectors of death; covering their faces to artificially induce respiratory symptoms and imitate the inert expressionless face of death; regression to atavistic medieval belief that the air itself is a deadly miasma impossible to breathe – is the expression of their vast superstition that if they play dead, as if while being attacked by a bear, death itself will pass them over.
This also is why the cult believes that everyone became immortal at the beginning of 2020, with the exception of being killed by the demon “Covid”. As long as we can defeat or evade this demon, we’ll never die. This is the core fundamental of this fastest-rising, most near-universal across the West and most extreme fundamentalist cult ever.
All this dovetails with the deranged ideology of transhuman alteration and attaining immortality via the “Singularity” with its digital melding of human souls with computerized ones and zeros. Computer-modeled genomes, such as SARS-COV-2 itself, and the CRISPR method of synthetic generation of genetically modified pseudo-organic matter, now attaining its apotheosis with the mass coercive deployment of CRISPR-altered injection agents which are designed to alter the genetics of their human targets, are intended to be the transitional form between natural intact Whole human beings and the virtual beings submerged in the machine.
As for why the younger generations would embrace the cult the same way the elderly do, this reflects what Western societies really think of themselves: They see themselves collectively as a decrepit, sick old man on the verge of death.
A society which felt itself to be youthful and vigorous never would have acted in any way remotely resembling how Western civilization has reacted to what objectively is nothing worse than a rough flu season, and probably is nothing other than the flu.

March 22, 2021

Come Home

Filed under: Uncategorized — Russ @ 5:56 am

The voice of the Earth I heard as a child:

You are murdering your only home. You are destroying the only basis of your very existence. You are committing suicide.

You are destroying all that’s beautiful in the world, all that’s wholesome, all that’s healthful, all that’s alive, all that’s human.

You listen only to the voice of the devil within you, the voice urging you to suicidal idolatry. You idolize money, you idolize technology, you idolize your media, you idolize your state institutions. In your idolatry you use every act of destruction and self-destruction you commit as the spur to ever worse abominations.

Remember what happened to the first Tower of Babel. Your second is far taller, far more top-heavy and tottering from your bad engineering. And when it comes crashing down this time you’ll lose far more than your language.

Hear again the voice of your nature, your place amid the whole, your evolution, your intact living being, your will to live.

Come back from your sundered vagrancy. Repent of your ingratitude.

Come back, return. In the end it’s the only way, your only choice.

Come home.

March 20, 2021


Filed under: Uncategorized — Russ @ 4:00 am
Today is this site’s birthday. For twelve years in this space I’ve been writing on the same theme, opposing the rabid globalist-technocratic movement dedicated to the total destruction of the Earth and humanity. The battlefronts today are the exact same where I began: The weaponized finance sector which wags the economic civilization like the tail wagging the dog, and the technological assaults on the Earth and humanity under the fraudulent banners of public health, feeding the world, saving the environment. The interventions of high-maintenance technology never protect, heal, feed, or save but on the contrary never do anything but assault, sicken, starve, rape, kill. Those who tout such interventions out of stupidity or cynicism or cult wingnut derangement always are pure evil in intent and goal.
The onslaught of the worldwide coordinated terrorist mass propaganda and the world-coordinated regime based on lockdowns, aggressive coerced ritual superstition (masks and hex spacing) and gene-altering injections, all seeking their pretext in the phantom “Covid” miasma, is the final throw of the dice. The globalist-technocratic power bloc and the ideological movement that exalts it have launched a 1941-style Blitzkrieg intending to win it all at once through brute force.
We have two basic groups among the elites. There’s the James Bond supervillain types like Gates and Schwab who have fanatical fundamentalist visions of using genetic engineering to transform the physical human species into a “transhuman” abomination. True believers in a grand crusade, leader-popes and the rabid high-octane faithful give themselves a corresponding license to lie about details since it’s “for the greater good.” They end up lying about everything which is at all in contact with reality, and the only thing they’re truthful about is their faith in their fantasy. Fundamentalist Covidian cultism never has had the slightest relation to any physical reality but operates only in the world of mass media lies, police state violence and the grand ideal/belief/vision/nightmare.
Then there’s the much larger group of regular crooks and gangsters who view the whole Covid assault in terms of class war from above, economic liquidation, social control, escalating the police state and shoveling out vast amounts of corporate welfare to Big Pharma, Silicon Valley and other oligopolies. For them the whole thing’s been a combination of the usual criminal greed, opportunism, stupidity and arrogance.
They view the big rollout of the gene-altering injections as the solution to everything. By making these as mandatory as possible they can force the most conformity and obedience while “reopening” economies on a far more corporate-controlled basis than prior to the lockdown-driven destruction of smaller businesses and jobs, all the while ready to clamp down again with more lockdowns whenever and wherever they consider it expedient. At the same time they’ll have generated a permanent massive government gravy train for Big Drug. Of course the drug cartels will make sure all the politicians and propagandists involved are very well rewarded.
That’s their plan. So far the rabid masses not only are letting them get away with it but volunteer to obey and conform. Few have to be conscripted, and fewer still have the courage to be conscientious objectors.
Neoliberalism calculated long ago that mere political dissent is toothless in a modern mass media society, while almost all the dissenters themselves are frauds. To put it in terms of class consciousness, the “bourgeois” ideology won long ago and is the only political consciousness left among moderners.
Sure enough, the moment the propaganda got the right pitch and volume shrieking about a “pandemic” and the chips were down, almost every “dissident” and “activist” ran home to mama and took their place as the most abject conformist. Many ex-dissident scribblers went rabid and rushed 1914-style to volunteer to serve as junior deputy propagandists.
So the globalist elites calculated right about those who have worthless “dissenting” opinions about this or that political matter – when the chips are down they’ll conform. But those who actually resist the physical demands of this totalitarian offensive, those who resist getting injected upon the system’s demand, those who refused to be altered, whatever their surface “politics”, comprise an existential resistance and therefore threat. These are the real dissidents, not the now-proven-fake “political” ones whose actual mode of life long has been pure conformity.
Reality has become very dark. It requires the patience and endurance of the faithful. I have no choice what to write. I hear the word through the Earth and my only choice is to write it or not.
I’ve written hundreds of times over the years in many contexts what we who still are human and want to redeem humanity need to do. We must find comrades online and in real life and commit in a disciplined way to an organized task, toward the greater goal of creating a movement outside the system.
No one was interested in that before and now when the stakes radically have escalated it’s much harder than before.
Once and for all I finally give up on politics and the mass. The best we can do toward the mass is cast the seeds out there as far as possible for wherever the soil becomes fertile. But the main thing needful to do is for dedicated dissenters to find each other and organize for mutual self-defense; mutual spiritual and psychological support; shared social and community life; building back human economy based on local/regional food production and distribution on the basis of agroecology and food sovereignty; and to say again mutual self-defense. We must find one another in real life and not just online, which probably means organizing something online which helps us find one another in real life.
We need our version of Noah’s Ark, which likely will start with many improvised boats forming a Dunkirk exodus. This may have to come before our Normandy day. We know that under these conditions conventional activism is hopeless. We’re forced to resist and evade and oppose and survive an aggressive rabid fundamentalist religious tsunami. In effect we’re already a persecuted sect in the catacombs, yet we have no identity of our own. Like I said above we’re the fragments of numerous former identities now cast out on the basis of nothing but our shared will to survival, community, shared truth, shared freedom and a shared human future. All others have cast these away and now trample them. They envision a rabid future of nothing but smashed atoms amid total omnicide. We must build a new thing, a tight-knit spiritual identity dedicated to living as human beings. This already was a radical idea amid the modern economic civilization. The “Covid” onslaught has rendered it so radical as to be literally inconceivable for the rabid atoms of the mass.
Which I suppose is as it must be, as their rabid hallucination of the total destruction of all human qualities and values toward the goal of the total physical destruction of all natural humanity and all natural life, which means life in itself, is inconceivable and intolerable to anyone still human.

March 18, 2021

Desert City


I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast. Whoever has ears, let them hear: “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.
The Green Man sings of the desert. Lowering his voice to a gaunt chant he evokes images of cities rising from the sterile desert, the desert as graveyard and someday resurrection. He promises a phoenix dawn. You must go to the desert, you must find the desert where you are, build the desert, heat and dry and burn to bring the desert. You must hack and chop and butcher and slaughter. You become the soul of the eternal city, you bring the image of the city floating in mid-air, the image wavering over the sterile desert.
The screen spans the wall evoking a desert, while the images from the screen and the fire in the minds of the viewers meld to bring holograms of desert towers, desert temples, skyscrapers, silos, desert armies, missiles, desert flames surging to the skies, hovering and wavering in mid-air projection of the inflamed brain.
The Green Man tells of the destroyers of the Earth, the great producers, the great bringers. They bring the sterile desert. And the massed people, the great consumers, unto the desert and then of the desert. They won’t be assimilated after death, but the great dessication they set in motion shall preserve their physical bodies, they shall live eternal mummies, the worshiped ancestors.
But only the elite destroyers, the great Leaders of the Desert will be worshiped, and the rest of your mummies will be tossed away as waste. But you shall be honored nameless as having perpetrated the great death and then destructed the great Necropolis.
This is the Green Man’s word on the climate in flames, climate searing and seared, charred and charring, driving the heat, driving the chaos, creeping always toward the dry, always toward the fire, always toward the desert.
I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago. The general tension was horrible. To a season of political and social upheaval was added a strange and brooding apprehension of hideous physical danger; a danger widespread and all-embracing, such a danger as may be imagined only in the most terrible phantasms of the night. I recall that the people went about with pale and worried faces, and whispered warnings and prophecies which no one dared consciously repeat or acknowledge to himself that he had heard. A sense of monstrous guilt was upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark and lonely places. There was a daemoniac alteration in the sequence of the seasons—the autumn heat lingered fearsomely, and everyone felt that the world and perhaps the universe had passed from the control of known gods or forces to that of gods or forces which were unknown.
Then I saw a second beast come across the earth.
It was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh.
He exercises all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast whose fatal wound had been healed.
The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilization came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences — of electricity and psychology — and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude.
He performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. With these signs he is given power to perform on behalf of the first beast. He orders the inhabitants of the earth to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of nightmare. Never before had the screams of nightmare been such a public problem; now the wise men almost wished they could forbid sleep in the small hours, that the shrieks of cities might less horribly disturb the pale, pitying moon as it glimmered on green waters gliding under bridges, and old steeples crumbling against a sickly sky.
The Green Man has conjured the pantomimes of cultural and political motions. Before most of the people became aware of the crisis the chains had been slapped on and all possible motions were collapsed to one, always forward march toward an image of water and green shimmering amid the hazes. Those who could squint their burning eyes now and then enough to clear the haze were sure they saw infinite desert. But this caused no moment of doubt or reflection, for the haze and shimmer immediately would return. More, the image of desert did not repel, only further led them to stagger on. The image went deep because the infinite dead desert is the one and only true faith of the atoms of the mass. And if anyone could think for a moment that the green watery shimmer might be a mirage hovering over salted sands, this too only deepened the allure of the desert.
The Green Man projects images to be twirled by the priests of fire who dream fevers that will engineer the sky and sea on behalf of the beast, engineer the living flesh to fuel the furnace of the beast, inflame the holocaust to explode the beast’s voice into space where it sends men’s nightmares hurtling toward another planet to destroy. These beasts and their priesthood wear the robes of fire and heat as their emblem of the gods of desert aflame.
The second beast is given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed. He forces all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they have the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
I remember when Nyarlathotep came to my city—the great, the old, the terrible city of unnumbered crimes. My friend had told me of him, and of the impelling fascination and allurement of his revelations, and I burned with eagerness to explore his uttermost mysteries. My friend said they were horrible and impressive beyond my most fevered imaginings; that what was thrown on a screen in the darkened room prophesied things none but Nyarlathotep dared prophesy, and that in the sputter of his sparks there was taken from men that which had never been taken before yet which shewed only in the eyes. And I heard it hinted abroad that those who knew Nyarlathotep looked on sights which others saw not.
The masses sense the self-destruction of their onslaught. They know they can’t be sustained much longer. They sense the coming earthquake. Already they fancy they feel the surge. They feel the ground shake under their feet.
They desecrate their souls to redoubled commitment to the Extreme Energy civilization: Dominion promised by ancient faiths of Abraham, Dominion promised by the modern priests of fire who also still sacrifice at the ancient altar, Dominion of infinite Production as God, Dominion of infinite Consumption and Waste, Dominion of Destruction, Dominion of Mammon, Dominion of Progress, Long Live Death.
They fight through nightmares to believe everything happening is natural and sustainable. They desecrate their souls to rebuilding Sodom and Gomorrah the great cities of the salted desert, so the saturnalia of murder and destruction can continue. As the mythologist put it, they’ll continue “free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy. The liberated Old Fires would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel in joy, and all the earth will flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.”
Their mirage needs to reinforce the sands underlying it. They must believe in collective salvation and collective immolation as one goal. This Father and Son are joined by two-headed Dominion to complete the Trinity under the mushroom fire. Man vs. Nature, Nature as an enemy to be subjugated and exploited by Man, a woman to be raped by science, an automaton to be tortured, Gaia as the realm of Satan to be Reclaimed in preparation for the Rapture/Second Coming/Singularity, all these fundamentals preached by the priests of fire, all one sign of the crumbling existential confidence of the civilization, one castle built on the sterile sand it has strewn beneath itself.
It was in the hot autumn that I went through the night with the restless crowds to see Nyarlathotep; through the stifling night and up the endless stairs into the choking room. And shadowed on a screen, I saw hooded forms amidst ruins, and yellow evil faces peering from behind fallen monuments.
The people sit and watch the show, passively receive images to eyes, hologram sparklings come out and hover, all hi-tech and dazzling even as the screen shows all water dissolving, all green curdling to desert. Some march with older holograms of oil derricks in the desert, others with new-fangled ones depicting the world turned all to desert to be covered with metallic panels, to store the holocaust fires in one big battery.
This sterile desert is not the natural living flowering desert. It’s the desert of salt, of wasteland, the desert city of death.
I stood on the sand and looked at the phantom sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast — all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
And I saw the world battling against blackness; against the waves of destruction from ultimate space; whirling, churning; struggling around the dimming, cooling sun. Then the sparks played amazingly around the heads of the spectators, and hair stood up on end whilst shadows more grotesque than I can tell came out and squatted on the heads.
The masses plumb ever greater depths of existential fear, the Leaders present false images of these crises. The Leaders also fear and reassure themselves with fake democracy and redoubled war. So the masses need misdirection to reinforce the image direction of desert and shimmer.
And when I, who was colder and more scientific than the rest, mumbled a trembling protest about “imposture” and “static electricity”, Nyarlathotep drove us all out, down the dizzy stairs into the damp, hot, deserted midnight streets. I screamed aloud that I was not afraid; that I never could be afraid; and others screamed with me for solace. We swore to one another that the city was exactly the same, and still alive; and when the electric lights began to fade we cursed the company over and over again, and laughed at the queer faces we made.
“If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.”
I believe we felt something coming down from the greenish moon, for when we began to depend on its light we drifted into curious involuntary formations and seemed to know our destinations though we dared not think of them. Once we looked at the pavement and found the blocks loose and displaced by grass, with scarce a line of rusted metal to shew where the tramways had run. And again we saw a tram-car, lone, windowless, dilapidated, and almost on its side. When we gazed around the horizon, we could not find the third tower by the river, and noticed that the silhouette of the second tower was ragged at the top. Then we split up into narrow columns, each of which seemed drawn in a different direction. One disappeared in a narrow alley to the left, leaving only the echo of a shocking moan. Another filed down a weed-choked subway entrance, howling with a laughter that was mad. My own column was sucked toward the open country, and presently felt a chill which was not of the hot autumn; for as we stalked out on the dark moor, we beheld around us the hellish moon-glitter of evil snows. Trackless, inexplicable ashen snows, swept asunder in one direction only, where lay a gulf all the blacker for its glittering walls. The column seemed very thin indeed as it plodded dreamily into the gulf. I lingered behind, for the black rift in the green-litten snow was frightful, and I thought I had heard the reverberations of a disquieting wail as my companions vanished; but my power to linger was slight. As if beckoned by those who had gone before, I half floated between the titanic snowdrifts, quivering and afraid, into the sightless vortex of the unimaginable.
Screamingly sentient, dumbly delirious, only the gods that were can tell. A sickened, sensitive shadow writhing in hands that are not hands, and whirled blindly past ghastly midnights of rotting creation, corpses of dead worlds with sores that were cities, charnel winds that brush the projected stars and make them flicker low. Beyond the worlds vague ghosts of monstrous things like Dominion gods; half-seen columns of unsanctified temples that rest on nameless rocks beneath space and reach up to the dizzy vacuum above the spheres of light and darkness, the images everywhere but Earth. And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods created by the psychotic berserking souls of orcs — the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.

March 10, 2021

Make A Desert to Prepare the Way for the Beast


To maintain a healthy environmental terrain and internal immune system by encouraging biodiversity – that’s an element of ecology and immunology and is the basis of all science-based agroecology and preventive medical practice, as well as most curative medical practice.
The fact that from day one the Covid terrorist propaganda and lockdown assault has opposed this entire proven framework and sought to maximize the opposite, the destruction of healthy human terrains (physical and psychological) through radical aggressive reductive forcible violent interventions premised on sequestration and suppression, was always one of the proofs that the entire campaign has zero to do with science or public health and regards these with extreme contempt.
The billionaires and foundations and “forums” which propagate the aggressive “vaccine” model of “fighting disease” are the same that have fought in the most aggressive totalitarian way to eradicate all genetic diversity in agricultural crops and domestic animals as well as in free nature, and openly strive to do the same with humans.
They concocted the entire “pandemic” onslaught of terrorist propaganda and aggressive social control and police state assaults for a radical escalation of this agenda to the level of a 1941-style blitzkrieg. They’re trying to use the mass insanity they’ve provoked to win it all in one fast blunt force push. (Whether they deliberately released SARS-COV-2 and trumped up its alleged “Covid” pandemic effect, or opportunistically seized upon an accidental release, makes little difference to the overall malignity of the program.)
The cosmic irony, and to the impresarios a feature not a bug, is that this violently forced genetic uniformity will render human populations much more vulnerable to pandemics, not less.
The technocracy program is maximum genetically-altered transhumanism for its own sake, as a religious goal.
I don’t know whether the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab really want to kill billions along the way as an accompanying depopulation goal, but I do know they don’t care. That’s a price they’re willing to pay toward their hellish vision of New Babylon.

March 8, 2021

Why Reject the Good News?


Maybe the thing most astounding to me..
(I admit, after thinking for so long I’d never again in my life be surprised by anything, I admit I’ve been surprised by this global outbreak of mass insanity, by many orders of magnitude the most wide-ranging and extreme in all human history.)
Maybe the thing most astounding to me is how intensely the cultists want to believe the worst of the “pandemic” and with what automatic dismissal, mental lockdown and often venom they regard anyone who tries to bring good news to them: The good news that there was never a lethal “Covid” pandemic, only the equivalent a flu season especially bad for the aged who already were ill, where what mostly were in fact influenza deaths were transformed through massive medical fraud into “Covid” deaths while influenza mysteriously disappeared completely.
You would think people would want at least to consider the case that they aren’t in danger the way the TV blares at them 24/7. Even if they didn’t accept it, you’d think they’d say “I hope you’re right, I wish you were…” But after a year I have yet to hear even a single believer say anything like this. It’s clear they want to believe they’re under existential assault by a germ.
But that begs a question: Is proof refuting this really good news to the cultists, or is it the opposite.
Do the cultists really believe in a pandemic, or is their cult faith actually in the intelligence, benevolence and perpetuity of their globalist institutions?
This is the time of existential crisis, and at this time of accelerating ecological crisis and the great political-economic-cultural-spiritual crisis of globalism’s assault on humanity and the Earth, the Western masses who deep down have invested their entire religious impulse in the globalist technocratic mode of the economic civilization must overcome the ultimate challenge to their faith. The mass paroxysm of ecstatic superstition and abject groveling before the TV and willingness to be transformed into brain-dead mobs avid to carry out any order from any talking head is their desperate leap to hurdle this brick wall.
(This truly is the only organized religion left standing in the West and among all who emulate the West. The institutional assault which uses Covid as a pretext has only forced all organized religious groupings to reveal once and for all what is the real content of their faith. Almost all have revealed themselves to worship only the system and nothing else.
The same is true of almost all who previously identified themselves as in some way political dissidents. Almost all the self-alleged “leftists”, “radicals”, “anti-globalists”, “anti-imperialists” immediately threw down the mask and revealed themselves to be the most abject reactionary globalists, imperialists, technocrats, pro-capitalists at heart. Many of them with extreme eagerness volunteered to serve as junior deputy propagandists. They revealed the contemptible fraudulence which is the one and only real trait of their worthless lives. They especially deserve to be spit on by history.)
We see that this is a vast extreme religious eruption. The masses sense the maximum stupidity, evil, and imminent collapse of all they cling to. They feel the ground trembling under their feet, their necropolitan tower, sprawling ever wider and more heavy with each added story, their inverted pyramid which seemed at the verge of reaching heaven, wobbles ever more profoundly. Their doubts and fears double and redouble, for their precarious selves, their precarious families, their precarious faith in the great global economic project. As always, this mounting dissonance must be silenced by doubling and redoubling down. They must believe in the ever more absurd with ever greater vehemence because reason fails, sanity is exhausted, and only the most extreme faithful belief still can believe in such absurdity.
This is the mass of atoms, the cultural and spiritual body against which the globalist elites have launched a 1941-style blitzkrieg on the global level against every society and every community and every individual human body and every human soul.
They’re trying to use the most extreme brute force to win everything all at once.
The only question is whether and how long the masses will continue to repose all their faith and hope in their own destroyers.
*This is not to say there’s no such thing as the virus SARS-COV-2 that either negligently escaped from a bioweapons lab or was deliberately released, or that this bioweapon doesn’t cause an illness dubbed Covid-19. I’m still agnostic about that. It’s possible there are some legitimate positive tests and some bona fide Covid deaths. But I do know that there’s zero reason to believe governments and institutions which never in my lifetime have done anything but lie, and I do know that the systematic use of PCR tests is a deliberate campaign of medical fraud. Nor is there any reason to believe in the accuracy of the antibody tests being marketed by the same corporations which lied in every previous ad campaign. The only thing we know for sure is that the actual number of Covid cases and deaths, if any at all, is vastly fewer than the corrupt official numbers. And all this testing, as well as the mass experimental deployment of experimental gene-altering injections, ALL of it is being done on the basis of extreme war profiteering, funded 100% by public money being shoveled out by corrupt governments.
EVERYTHING that has happened and is happening fits to perfection the standard model of massive corporate welfare bolstered by massive propaganda lies. And you’re going to tell me “This time it’s different”? Stop being an idiot.