
October 25, 2016

The Reason: The Police State, Drug War, and Prison Complex


According to the tenets of the cult of electoralism, the voters enforce their will at each election and get the policy they voted for. Therefore, as we’ve previously discussed, the overwhelming majority of American voters are pro-war, want to poison their own children’s food and water and escalate the control of all agriculture and food by agribusiness, want to continue and escalate the finance sector’s domination of the economy and politics, want to push the climate crisis to its worst possible extremes, and want a health care system which delivers awful care at horrendous prices as long as this is profitable for the health insurance companies. Their votes for, just to name a few of the most recent, Bush, Clinton, Dole, Bush, Gore, Kerry, Obama, McCain, Romney, Trump, Clinton, consistently prove they want all these, since a vote for any of these criminals is a vote for all these crimes. The same would be true for any alleged “dissident” or “alternative” within the Corporate One-Party.
Today we’ll add four more which go together.
1. If everyone who claimed to oppose police brutality and militarization and the surveillance state would refuse to vote for any police totalitarian, America would not be threatened with such an anti-American, anti-freedom internal enemy.
The reason the US government has enshrined police militarization, the surveillance state, and systematic racist and classist brutality is not because of those who are openly fascist. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to oppose police totalitarianism and systemic brutality are frauds who really support these. Their vote proves it.
2. If everyone who claimed to oppose the Drug War would refuse to vote for any Drug Warrior, America would abolish this idiotic, irrational, immoral campaign which worsens all the phenomena of the police and prison state and benefits no one but corporations and thug bureaucracies.
The reason the US government continues to wage this war of aggression against the people and the environment is not because of those who are openly bigoted against a few arbitrarily selected “illegal” drugs (of course almost all of these bigots get loaded on various kinds of legal dope, and many on the illegal as well). It’s primarily because almost all who claim to oppose the Drug War are frauds who really support it. Their vote proves it.
3. If everyone who claimed to oppose the prison-industrial complex and privatization of prisons would refuse to vote for anyone with a gutter jailor mentality, America wouldn’t have by far the most imprisoned population in human history, a pure totalitarian metric and an absolute obscenity against any notion of human freedom.
The reason the US government continues this obscene imprisonment offensive and escalates the enshrinement of prison and the corporate enslavement of prisoners as a profit-generating system isn’t because of those who openly worship the prison system and shriek “Lock ’em up!” the second they hear of a jaywalker. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to find the prison system inhumane, cruel and unusual, and who deplore the privatization of the system, are really frauds who support all this and want it to continue. Their vote proves it.
4. If everyone who claimed to oppose the accelerating destruction of civil liberties would refuse to vote for anyone who holds these liberties in contempt, America would be strongly committed to cherishing, protecting, and exercising these liberties.
The reason the US government continues to destroy all civil liberties isn’t because of those who openly despise them. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to value civil liberties, including almost all who pose as civil liberties activists, are really frauds happy to see these wiped out. Their vote proves it.
Police militarization, police surveillance, police brutality, police racism, the Drug War, the pandemic of imprisonment, the general assault on civil liberties, all these being both government and corporate assaults, the corporate state being a monolith: These all go together, and every system politician is an aggressor against the people in all these ways. The politicians of the Corporate One-Party fear, loathe, and despise human freedom with every fiber of their being. Their actions prove it. And in turn the action of voting for any such totalitarian proves that the voter is a supporter of this totalitarianism.
And these are all of one piece with war, environmental and agricultural assault and destruction, climate change, Wall Street’s intentional destruction of the economy and stealing of literally trillions of dollars from the people, the captivity of the health care system by the insurance racket. The corporate system is dedicated to total corporate domination and the general destruction of the entire human endeavor of society and civilization, in order to debase these to the status of nothing but a predation range for corporate gangsters.
The Corporate One-Party in both its “Democrat” and “Republican” flavors is absolutely, unequivocally, uncompromisingly committed to this vision of humanity and the earth as nothing but a resource mine and waste dump. There is no shade of gray here, no spectrum of nuance, no trade-off to ponder. All that is evil lines up completely on one side, the side of elite institutions including the single political party they field and the fraudulent elections they put on.
While this fact in itself doesn’t prove what is good, it does prove that there is no good to be found in this political system, nothing to redeem, nothing to reform, even in principle. It proves that it’s impossible to take part in these sham elections other than as an enthusiastic agent of evil, as the premise of the electoral cult and this series of posts would have it, or as a cheering-for-evil but powerless extra, which is the reality.