
October 8, 2016

The Reason: Big Agriculture


Continuing a periodic series written in the spirit of electoralism and assuming the premise of this religion, that the voters control all, freely choose all, and therefore are responsible for all.
The voters of the US have freely enshrined a one-party system, the Corporate One-Party. At the level of the central government this one-party system holds major plebiscites every two years. The participants vote Yes to the continued dictatorship of the Corporate One-Party.
Always remember the basic truths, starting to go viral:
*If you vote, you have no right to complain.
(After all, you always get exactly what you voted for. Don’t give me any crap about Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton/Trump lying about anything. When did any of them ever lie about what they stood for and what they would do? But there’s plenty of voters who lie to themselves because they support evil but lack the guts to be honest about it even with themselves. As we see in the cases I’m writing about.)
*Bad politicians are elected by bad people who vote for them.
That’s self-evident. Who else elects them, the Easter bunny?
And so:
If everyone who claimed to oppose pesticides and the malign power of Big Ag would refuse to vote for any supporter of poison-based agriculture, America would transform to agroecology and Food Sovereignty, with incalculable benefits for us and for the world.
The reason the US government is history’s great global aggressor on behalf of poison agriculture, and our food and water are poisoned like a toxic waste dump, is not because of those who openly exalt pesticides and GMOs and CAFOs and the agricultural commodity system overall. It’s primarily because almost all who claim to oppose these are really frauds who support them. Their vote proves it.
As I said earlier, in reality there are bigger reasons for things than the kangaroo elections put on by Babylon for the entertainment of pseudo-politicized masses, “voters”. However, according to the cult of electoralism, Big Ag is caused by those who vote for Big Ag, just as war is caused by those who vote for war. I write these pieces in honor of their cult.
One last point, this one completely serious. We’re familiar with the liars who insist that all sorts of trade-offs and compromises are necessary to get anything which is good. But with just a few of these “reason” posts I think we’ll establish the pattern that all evils line up on one side, that they are all evils of the corporate system, and that in no case is there any plausible alternative to organizing in opposition to this system in order to abolish corporate power.
That is, assuming one wants the good and not the evil. But we see that the voters vote for evil because they want evil. And that, too, is not a joke.


  1. […] are responsible for all. Previous installments demonstrate that the voters vote for war and corporate industrial agriculture, in spite of the lies many tell about this. . The voters of the US have freely enshrined a […]

    Pingback by The Reason: Wall Street | Volatility — October 12, 2016 @ 4:49 pm

  2. […] an aggressor of climate change.) . . If you vote for continuing this level of emissions and continuing to destroy carbon sinks, you have no right to complain about climate change. . Or to put it more simply, if you vote for […]

    Pingback by The Reason: The Climate Crisis | Volatility — October 17, 2016 @ 5:40 am

  3. […] on this way back when. . Meanwhile those who voted for the health racket bailout also vote for war, corporate agriculture, Wall Street, and to escalate the climate crisis. . . . […]

    Pingback by The Reason: Health Insurance Reform | Volatility — October 19, 2016 @ 4:34 am

  4. […] we’ve previously discussed, the overwhelming majority of American voters are pro-war, want to poison their own children’s food and water and escalate the control of all agriculture and food by agribusiness, want to continue and escalate […]

    Pingback by The Reason: The Police State, Drug War, and Prison Complex | Volatility — October 25, 2016 @ 3:44 am

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