
March 15, 2019

Gaia Makes the Berserkers Insane: They Destroy Their Own Medicines


Those who Gaia would destroy she first makes insane.
A recent study describes how antibiotic and pesticide resistance are exceeding “planetary boundaries”, points of no return. As I’ve written in scores of pieces, these resistance treadmills are fully deliberate effects of poison-based agriculture. In particular, the complete destruction of antibiotics as a medically effective tool is a deliberate goal of modern civilization. All civilized actions prove it.
Here’s further proof from the link above:
In addition, increasing efforts to fully eradicate bacteria and pests is likely to make matters worse. Instead, new strategies are needed that promote the growth of bacteria and pests that are susceptible to pesticides and antibiotics, at the expense of those with resistance……These strategies are urgently needed as complements to development of new antibiotics and pesticides.
Almost all scientists and engineers are morbidly stupid. Here for the nth time going back to the 1950s we have further proof that the pesticide model of agriculture does not work. But as always the recommendation isn’t to abolish poisonism in favor of agroecology, which means to promote soil and field biodiversity which boosts beneficial organisms at the expense of pests, but to find some way to prop up poisonism just a little bit longer, to keep destroying the Earth and humanity as long as possible, to build the Tower of Babel higher.
We see this everywhere. Why is civilization determined to push poisonism and ecocide to the ultimate while it ignores and denounces actual solutions? The obvious proximate answer is power and profit, the deeper answer is Dominion theology and the technocratic ideology which goes with it, and the elemental sources of these. The “civilized” have zero thought patterns beyond their fundamentalist “belief”. It’s a modern civil religion with deep roots in prior monotheism. Together those proximate and profound imperatives are against anything decentralized, low-impact, low-dependency. And therefore against anything which could work, since their system depends upon reiterated failure and disaster in order to keep accruing power, to keep metastasizing as a literal cancer on the Earth (aka “growth”). The basic evils are monoculture and commodity as such. Like all industrial agriculture these cannot be redeemed at all nor should they be.
1. All complex life based on nucleated cells evolved from bacteria and remains connected with and dependent on bacteria. All complex traits including all human traits: Respiration, the cell nucleus, endosymbiosis within the cell, microbiome symbiosis throughout our bodies which is essential for all our physiological systems. Our brains are offshoots of our internal bacteria and remain appendages of it. We are 100% dependent upon microbes and plants for our food: We can’t manufacture a single nutrient ourselves. This is the congenital and permanent condition of hominids. And there’s never been a more totally helpless, totally dependent, inherently parasitic creature which contributes nothing but its own rotting tissues after it dies, than civilized hominids.
(Here’s some Elementary Notes on Bacteria.)
2. The primary mode of genetic exchange among bacteria is horizontal transfer of genetic information between cells. This exchange is most direct through closely related forms, and indirectly the information can be transferred along a chain of bacteria so that it quickly moves between officially unrelated species. This information network keeps our microbiome in constant communication with all the bacteria surrounding us, and the microbiome in turn communicates this way with our endosymbiotic cells.
3. Mob actions of humans, including the civilized mob, arise from bacterial imperatives. We are driven by the bacteria which first evolved our brains out of themselves and the bacteria of our microbiome which continue to influence human brains. This includes our religious, cultural, and political mobs. It includes our economic mobs, such as the mob action which makes the monstrous lurch from working for personal and community need and use to working to produce commodities.
4. It was precisely these worthless spoiled brats which rebelled in blackest ingratitude against their creator and sustainer. They forsook their nurturing trees, sundered themselves, launched a campaign of enslavement and extermination against the trees; blasphemed against the bacteria which had bequeathed to them all their necessary traits and which continued to administer those traits, slandering bacteria as “germs” which cause disease and launching a sterilization campaign against them.
Blackest of all they declared total war on Gaia herself. Man vs. nature in a total war of extermination. This is the Dominion theology, first extruded from ancient monotheism and carried as a poison torch into modernity by Neochristian science and technocracy.
The great irony is that the modern form of the Dominion crusade has systematically selected the worst microbial pathogens as its primary allies in its doomed war on the Earth. More accurately, a few strains of bacteria – botulins, salmonella, E. coli, staph – have selected the civilized Dominionists.
5. Governments, corporations, academia, the STEM establishment, media, and Western voters are decades into a systematic campaign to drive the evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and to wipe out antibiotics as a medically effective treatment. This is one of the most perfect examples of self-destructive action amid the delusions of dominion. Those who Gaia would destroy she first makes insane. These few strains of pathogenic bacteria temporarily benefit though they’ll soon kill the host. The host hallucinates the alleged benefits of the war and is driven berserk by the compulsion, forced by the selected bacteria, to wage this war.
6. Some bacteria have been potential pathogens throughout the human experience. But only in late modernity have they become a primary Gaian vector against this berserk infestation called modern civilization. The berserkers themselves consciously have chosen this doom, through their most cherished religion – productionism, monoculture, scientism, technocracy, Mammon – and most cherished infrastructure – soil-destroying industrial agriculture, factory farms, pesticide factories, genetic engineering labs, science classrooms (as well as garages and basements).
These are the main strategies and tactics civilized hominids deploy in order directly to nurture privileged bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the pathogens selected for antibiotic resistance by factory farms, pesticides, and genetic engineering), foster antibiotic resistance in privileged pathogens, and suppress beneficial bacteria. And then these selected bacteria communicate their drug resistance as globally as they can.
(Note that the boot-licking techno-wingnuts and proxxer lynch mobs have zero to say about this systematic campaign to wipe out antibiotics, because they know this campaign is driven by their government-corporate masters, and more deeply they are driven by the same bacterial control which controls these structures of modern civilization.)
Those who Gaia would destroy she first makes insane. There’s no way to view agriculture’s systematic antibiotic overuse campaign other than as a deliberate campaign to wipe out antibiotics and cause lethal pandemics. Hominids which do this or support it or tolerate it are disease vectors, Typhoid Marys, rabid dogs which need to be dealt with as such. They are controlled and driven by the physical germs whose epidemics these social structures and actions are designed to maximize.
7. This de jure antibiotic resistance campaign joins the general diffusion and maximizing of pathogens and epidemics driven by war, globalization, commodity agriculture, deforestation, climate chaos and global heating. It shall be a lead mechanism of Gaia’s Kinesis, her primary acute weapon and mode of inducing self-destruction among the berserkers. We are witnessing the collective suicide of the berserker civilization, in this way and many others.


  1. […] which destroy ecological constraints upon them and open up a free-fire terrain for them), and the berserk hominids whose brains they control. They systematically are pumping the air as full of greenhouse gases as they can, as fast as they […]

    Pingback by Two Atmospheric Transformations | Volatility — March 17, 2019 @ 9:25 am

  2. A newly discovered soil bacteria kills several antibiotic resistant strains including MRSA. Meanwhile the same poison-based agriculture which is driving the development of antibiotic resistance also is denuding the soil, doing all it can to prevent such discoveries among soil microbia (soil bacteria have been the primary source of antibiotics).

    Objectively, perhaps even consciously, governments and corporations are systematically working to wipe out antibiotics as an effective medical treatment. They’re already guilty of the assaults on and murders of all victims of ABR pathogens. They’ll be guilty of mass murder when the lethal ABR pandemics inevitably come.


    Comment by Russell Bangs — March 18, 2019 @ 12:23 pm

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