
October 22, 2020

Solar False Prophets: Shell Game


In the heart of the Permian oil patch in West Texas, a massive $416 million solar array began converting sunshine to electricity this summer. One of the project’s main financiers has a very familiar name — Facebook. The social media corporation helped make possible the 379-megawatt Prospero I solar array, located about 18 miles west of the city of Andrews and covering an area five times larger than New York City’s Central Park…
“Mark Zuckerberg [said] “These new solar projects will help us reach” a goal “for all our data centers and offices to use 100% renewable energy by 2020.” But the renewable energy commitments and corporate bluster belie a simple truth about the Prospero I solar project. The energy produced here will not directly power a Facebook data center; it will, in fact, be routed to Shell Energy North America to power the oil and gas giant’s fracking operations in the Permian, the nation’s most booming and polluting oil play.”
Industrial commodity fake-“renewable” energy depends upon a fossil fuel base for its mineral extraction, steel and cement requirements and the transportation of all these elements from quarry to factory to sacrifice site.
The avowed purpose of industrial solar and wind is to perpetuate the ecocidal cancer (aka “growth”) economy of industrialism and high-maintenance technology. Every version of the “Green New Deal” propaganda is explicit about this.
And as we see here, industrial fake-renewable electricity often goes directly to power fossil fuel extraction.
This may seem ironic but actually, given the entire premise of industrial electricity generation, is the most logical use of this electricity short of using it directly to set forests on fire.
It’s both the most typical outcome and the most symbolically rich.
The now yearly incidence of “five hundred year” storms and “thousand year” conflagrations have been Gaia’s shots across the bow of this Ship of Fools. She aims her shots ever closer to the magazine while ever more inexorably turning up the heat in compliance with the economic civilization’s actions. The two quintessential actions are to destroy all carbon sinks and unleash all the stored carbon of hundreds of millions of years in the geological blink of an eye, just a few centuries and almost all in just a few decades.
Industrial electricity, whether generated directly from fossil fuels or adding the extra fake-renewable step within this fossil fueled framework, is indelibly ecocidal. As always the only difference between the de jure climate deniers and the “green” cancerous de facto deniers is that the latter are even more morally and aesthetically repulsive on account of their gross hypocrisy and treason. As a practical matter they seek the exact same outcome of total ecological destruction and collective suicide.
Repent; and Stop. There is no lesser evil, only evil to continue or to renounce completely. There is no lesser commodity sin, only sin to continue or to renounce completely.
The only way to avert the worst: End all industrial emissions; stop destroying carbon sinks; all natural sinks – forests, wetlands, grasslands, most of all the great oceans – must resume their natural ranges in all redeemed health.
Anything else is a lie. Therefore we must reject and denounce the false prophets that claim we can commodify and mine and deforest and desertify and carbon-spew and poison and hyper-produce and hyper-shop and hyper-consume our way out of the climate crisis and ecological blowback and collapse, as long we paint the death machine green and put a new bumper sticker upon it.
We’ll never go wrong with this postulate: Anything such social media as Facebook, Twitter, Google does or endorses is a lie; anything they suppress and censor is truth.


  1. I’d be interested, Russ, in a more nuanced commentary from you about the nature of truth. Consider that there is no one who knows the absolute truth, that the most effective lies are merely distortions of obvious truth, and that our beliefs seem to be more driven by emotion than by logic. If you can find time to write that essay, I’ll look forward to reading it.

    Comment by VernonHuffman — October 23, 2020 @ 11:52 am

    • Like the rest of the world I’m past the point of nuance. I tried that earlier, tried to find shades of gray within the necropolitan framework, and like anyone else who tried it got nowhere.

      I’ve spent my career insisting that no one knows enough truth to so grossly violate the ethical commandment, “First, Do No Harm”, the way every interventionist always does. 2020 demonstrates the most extreme violence history has ever known perpetrated by those that claim to know enough truth to be so violent, and the Westernized global masses so spiritually and intellectually exhausted they repose such fundamentalist faith in such presumption and flee to what they hope will be a new age of darkness where they never again have to lay eyes on one another or on themselves.

      It’s clear that no one cares about truth, and no one ever cared about logic. The only real question left is how much more damage to the Earth this berserk derangement will do before it destroys itself, or is forcibly constrained by the Earth itself.

      Comment by Russ Bangs — October 23, 2020 @ 12:38 pm

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