
February 6, 2016

GMOs Increase Pesticide Use and Have Made Cancer-Causing Glyphosate the World’s #1 Pesticide


*Charles Benbrook has published a new study quantifying the skyrocketing use of glyphosate since the introduction of GM crops engineered to resist it. Use skyrockets because of the spread of Roundup Ready GMOs and the equally prodigious spread of Roundup Resistant weeds, requiring more frequent and heavier applications of glyphosate to have any effect at all. This of course only accelerates the development of resistance. From the Abstract: “Globally, glyphosate use has risen almost 15-fold since so-called “Roundup Ready,” genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant crops were introduced in 1996.” The report finds that GMOs account for 56% of global glyphosate use.
This was the result fully intended by Monsanto and the US government. A weed control regime based on Roundup was supposed to eradicate crop rotation, cover cropping and other elements of a sane, agronomically sound weed control system, and instead commit the entire system to ever-increasing, ever more brainless and stupid slathering of poison. This is because corporations and corporate governments have a pro-poison ideological bias and impose upon themselves a policy mandate to maximize the production and use of poison. They do this because they see it as increasing their control and power, including in the form of profit. GMOs were designed to greatly increase pesticide use. It was always self-evidently absurd from any point of view to believe the Big Lie that GMOs were ever designed to reduce this, or that they could do so even if anyone had ever wanted them to. It was never possible to be in doubt that weeds and pests would consistently develop resistance, and at an accelerating rate, since the phenomenon of the pesticide treadmill goes back many decades prior to the advent of GMOs. In the same way, all sane people know that the exact same result will overtake GMOs based on 2,4-D, dicamba, or any other herbicide, and the same for all Bt and RNAi insecticidal GMOs. There’s zero doubt about any of this. This was built into the plan from the start as standard planned obsolescence, both for conventional profiteering reasons and to continually aggrandize the poison-driven corporate system thereby increasing its agronomic control, and from there its control over the economy and politics in general. Again, it was always self-evident that corporations which sell poison would develop only products which would help them sell more poison. How hard is this? This may be the best of the many examples of how fundamentally stupid pro-GMO activists and sympathizers are.
“Glyphosate will likely remain the most widely applied pesticide worldwide for years to come, and interest will grow in quantifying ecological and human health impacts.” These impacts are already known to be devastating. As Monsanto and the EPA have known since the late 1970s and the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer confirmed in 2015, glyphosate causes cancer. It also causes severe birth defects and reproductive problems. This is in addition to its many other health assaults and its destructive effect on bees, soil, and the environment in general. If it’s not banned soon it will cause the extinction of the monarch butterfly.
Glyphosate must be abolished with all due speed.



  1. […] . We see the role of GMOs in all this, their reality and the idea of them. All GMOs are of course designed to maximize the production and use of pesticides. In the specific case of Bt brinjal, an especially worthless […]

    Pingback by Symbol of Poisonism: Pull the Plug On Bt Brinjal | Volatility — February 13, 2016 @ 3:36 am

  2. […] precisely because it’s likely the most prevalent poison in the food, and is certainly the most commonly used in agriculture. . Note the role of the EPA’s imprimatur in Monsanto’s PR statement (found at the bottom […]

    Pingback by Under Pressure the FDA Says It Will Test for Glyphosate Residues In Food | Volatility — February 21, 2016 @ 4:59 am

  3. […] glyphosate precisely because it’s likely the most prevalent poison in the food, and is certainly the most commonly used in agriculture. . Note the role of the EPA’s imprimatur in Monsanto’s PR statement (found at the bottom of the […]

    Pingback by EPA to Test for Glyphosate Residues | The Bovine — March 4, 2016 @ 2:47 pm

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