
October 13, 2019

Green Globalization, A Temporary Measure to Buy Time


The F18 “Green Hornet” flying on the fake-renewable “biofuel” of condemned arable land. It may soon escort biofueled billionaire jets to their island fortresses

Globalization is among other things the replacement of national and community sovereignty by corporate anti-sovereignty. Nationhood, democracy, community life are incompatible with the corporate pseudo-sovereignty. If you want corporate rule, as almost all Westerners do (proven by actions) you must destroy all the others. Nation, democracy, community as the triple targets of the “free trade” onslaught demonstrates how sovereignty itself can arise out of the people. We can deduce from this that the only way to defend either and maximize both is to eradicate corporations and elites completely. It’s democracy which must be maximized: Direct democracy.
The World Bank, IMF, WTO and so on, these are flunkeys, power launderers, stooge cadres. In America the real powers are Wall Street, the Republican and Democratic Parties, the weapons rackets, the agribusiness rackets, the IT rackets, and some other oligopoly players. These players concoct the “agreements” between “countries” which really are turf deals among gangster elites. (World War II is best seen as a gangland turf war where all the major participants were aggressors.) The politicians sign these agreements and set up special organizations like the WTO and IMF to serve as the enforcement arm. The WTO etc. as well as most of the Democrats and Republicans, are the hired goons. The “free” trade treaties are really corporate contracts written by the likes of Monsanto and Cargill. But these contracts aren’t actual agreements among free parties. They’re instruments of tyranny to be imposed by elite diktat from the top down, from the highest most concentrated power, as a hail of rocks, burning ash and poison upon the disenfranchised people below.
Globalization and corporate contracts are imposed through coercion. Where there’s a huge power and need differential between the parties, it’s impossible for them freely to contract with one another. Such contracts have no moral validity, and are supposed to have no legal validity. Freedom of contract is impossible under conditions of power or wealth inequality. But in practice the whole endeavor of corporate Mammon, corporate capitalism, neoliberalism, at every level from the basic employer-employee “negotiation” to the most global trade agreements, is to replace actual freedom of contract with these contracts-by-force. The very word “contract” implies coercion and violence. The goal is to destroy economic freedom and replace it with gangster-imposed and enforced protection rackets and direct plunder.
There’s the essence of globalization. The goal always has been to take what according to the capitalists’ own textbooks should be a small appendage of the economy and ruthlessly, recklessly, destructively impose its values and culture on all of life. Not just economic life, but political, social, cultural and private life as well. These values and culture really are psychopathy and decadent barbarism.
At the final stage of neoliberal corporate capitalism the elites impose financialization and manipulate it to amass all power and real assets. Their plan is to achieve total corporate dominion, the total surveillance state and militarized police state, the complete debt indenture of the population, and to maintain as much of their material luxury as possible under the conditions of fossil fuel depletion and ecological collapse. Their strategy has been to use the corporate form, the propaganda of “capitalism” and “democracy”, and the forms of representative pseudo-democracy, to monopolize ever growing portions of wealth and power. Having attained this position of dominance they now will use it to push the rest of us down into dark age shantytown police- and gang-afflicted conditions. Their preferred path for doing this will be debt slavery. If necessary they’ll try to use the police state whose skeleton they’ve already constructed, and even classical fascism.
As the climate crisis, mass extinction and general ecological collapse proceed, the political faction which pretends to want to do something about them will gain the upper hand with its “Green New Deal”, its promises of green capitalism, green metastatic cancer (AKA “growth”), green prodcutionism and consumerism, industrial-fake-renewables to continue to provide extreme energy consumption, and the rest of “the American way of life”. This will be sold as both the ecological and social panacea. The fact that it’s all a lie, that you can’t save the Earth by continuing to destroy it, that you can’t fix the socioeconomic evils of capitalism by doubling down on capitalism, won’t matter. The whole thing will be primarily a propaganda campaign, coupled with some temporary meager scraps thrown to the precariat and lumpenproles. The real purpose of this Green New Deal and any companion programs will be to buy time and perpetuate the global capitalist regime as long as possible while the elites consolidate their position for their plan to continue to rule as the rockslide of collapse gathers force and chaos. Just as the purpose of the original New Deal was to save capitalism, so today’s mainstream “green” proposals have only the purpose of saving capitalism and perpetuating the ecocidal binge. Big Green groups and progressive politicians are usually explicit about this.
And then the Green New Deal program also is sold within the framework of anti-human globalization, and as a way to preserve and intensify globalization. The globalization cadres and mechanisms such as the World Bank already have long been deeply immersed in the scam-mongering of “offset” regimes, the Clean Development Mechanism (“sustainable development” is just one of the many oxymorons we encounter), the REDD greenwash of ecocide, and others.
The mainstream climate-industrial movement will play a leading gatekeeper role here, doing all it can to ensure that the rising concern and fear and willingness among the people to take action for the Earth will remain kettled and controlled by astroturfs, will remain in the position of supplicating to the state (which is what all such “demands” on inherently ecocidal-genocidal governments boil down to), and will not break free of this domesticated reform mentality philosophically and in action in order directly to do what is necessary to assist Gaia’s Kinesis against these destroyers of the Earth while there’s still time and an ecological basis to sustain something of humanity as well as the more-than-human species now being driven extinct at an estimated rate of 200 a day.
While this general social misdirection is ongoing the elites will attempt the shift from direct fossil fuels to fossil-based alternate fuels, for the sake of maintaining their power and their luxury consumption. We’ve already seen a larger-scale version of this with the diversion of vast amounts of food from the already-hungry people of the world to the gas tanks of the Western personal car. This is the industrial agrofuel strategy. Just like all other liquidations, this one’s coming home as well. America itself already has ever growing numbers of the hungry while more and more corn is hijacked for agrofuels. Here we can see one iteration of the basic pattern I’ve called resource fascism. All notions of fake-industrial-renewables have the same basic goal. Picture a network of fortresses powered by the “smart grid”, biofueled private jets travelling between, while outside the walls permanently indentured debtors slave in the fields and sleep in shantytowns, their labor compelled by the draconian penalties dangling over the heads of all defaulters, their debt compounding every day. That’s the goal of the political and economic elites.
This is how is the barbed wire being strung around us.